We'll Be Alright (Chapter 29)

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Hey guys! New chappie! ;D So, most of my chapter tittles are based off of a song or lyrics from a song. This one is based off of Justin Bieber's song, "Be Alright"! Anyone else a Belieber here? ;D HAYYYY!  And I put it on the side so please play it with the chapter! :) Anyways, not many chapters left! This is the first part of the drama filled ending, and the second part is coming next! Then there will be a chapter in Jason AND Kayleigh's point of view to see how their lives turn out AFTER everything is over! THEN and epilouge! :D So, probably four chapters left! This is so sad! I started this story last year and it's finally coming to an end! To be honest, the reason I don't update often is because I don't want this to end! D; Tear tear, I know! Anyways enjoyyyyyyy, comment, vote, and fan!

Pic on side is of Kayleigh's hospital room! (Idk, I need something :p)

Song is "Be Alright" By Justin Bieber!

Follow me on Twitter! ;D @BiebsIsOurBaby  <3333333


*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

I was flying. No, floating. Oh hell, whatever I was doing, it was dark and dreary. I sighed as my body twirled and flipped through the air, carrying me no where imparticular. This has been my routine for what seems like years. I vaguely wonder if I'm dead, but caught in the inbetween. Like I have unfinished buisness on Earth, so God is forcing me to stay here.

Suddenly, I feel light pressure on my hand. That's weird. The pressure becomes greater. Ow! It's like someone is squeezing my hand. I glance down and see nothing.

Ah, geez! My head is killing me! I can feel myself slowly rising up, towards a bright, white light.

This is the end, I think to myself. God is calling me up.

But he wasn't. God wasn't calling me up. Instead, I was being lifted back into reality, a place I thought I was finished with for good.

I groan as I twitch my right eye open, my left eye swollen shut. I feel the presence of someone next to me, and they lean over me as the noise escapes my lips. I try to focus on their face, but the room is spinning and my vision is fuzzy.

"Wha-" I try to speak, but my voice is cracked and dry. The person picks up a bottle of water off of the nightstand next to the hospital bed and places the straw between my lips.

I take a small sip and slosh it around my mouth, getting it nice and wet before swallowing. I gasp as the liquid hits my stomach, and I turn over and hurl violently into the waiting trashcan by my bed. I feel the stabbing pain in my side, remembering my broken ribs.

Slowly, my vision focuses. My head is pounding painfully, and my ribs protest as I turn, but I face the stranger.

I'm shocked to find Ryan, Leah's ex-boyfriend and one of my best friends sitting before me, reaching out to brush a blonde curl from my face. He gives me a small smile before speaking.

"You're awake!" He exclaims, happily. "How are you feeling?"

"My head," I groan weakly. "God...it hurts so much."

Ryan nods and presses a button by my hand, signaling in a nurse. A few moments later, one arrives to distribute medicine to me.

"Hello, Miss Cruz!" She says smiling. She leans down to hand me two pills. I take them greatfully and swallow them down with some water.

"You gave us quite a scare," The nurse rambles, checking a chart as she adjusts my IV's. "You're lucky to be alive! If that emergency surgery hadn't worked, your skull would've crushed your brain!"

I don't say anything, I just process what she has said. I could've died. My brain could possibly be damaged. The nurse breaks my thoughts by speaking.

"Well, I will let you get some rest. Everything looks fine so far. I'll be back to check on you later," She says, smiling and exiting the room.

I sigh and turn to face Ryan. "What happened?"

Ryan sighs and his smile falters. "Well, Jason got into the fight with Alex after he kicked you, then his friend tried to take you to the hospital. But those big men Alex hired stopped him. One cut your face and smashed your head into the floor." I winced at the memory. "Then the other beat the man unconcious. Finally, Alex managed to knock Jason out and started to hurt you. But, the police had been called and they showed up just in time to get everyone who was injured to the hospital."

I process this. "Is everyone okay?"

Ryan sighs. "Jason is going to be fine, just like you. He's a floor above us. But the man who saved you, they aren't sure about him yet. He is in the ICU, at the moment. Alex and his men were arrested."

I nod. Ryan and I sit and chat for a while until the clock hits nine and the nurse tells us that visting hours are over. Ryan promises to bring everyone to see me tomorrow, before he hugs me and walks out the door. I sigh and lie in bed, waiting for sleep to hit me.

Unfourtanetly, sleep never came. I lie awake in the darkness of my room, staring at the ceiling. I've been contemplating sneaking out of my room to go and see the others, and I just decided to go.

I sit myself up in my bed, ignoring the protest from my three broken ribs. Swinging my legs over the side, I slip on my TOMS and tiptoe to the open door, peaking my head out and peer down the hallways. Once I decide the coast is clear, I make a mad dash towards the elevator, stepping inside and clicking the door closed. I remember Ryan saying that Jason was on the floor above us, so I click the button for Level 5.

As soon as the elevator dings, I quickly check to make sure the hallways are empty before sprinting down the corridors, looking at the room numbers. Nope, not here. Nuh uh. No...

Finally I reach it. The name McCann is placed in the slip of plastic under the room number, 529. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to see him.

I push open the door quietly, looking towards the large lump curled up under the sheets on the bed. They're rising and falling, do to his breathing. I shut the door behind me before making my way over to his bed, and sitting in the chair next to him. I study his face, and realize it's not as bad as I expected. His face is bruised and his eye is black and swollen. A scratch runs down the side of his neck. A white bandage is placed over a cut on his forehead.

I reach forward and brush his hair away from his eyes. His face scrunches at my touch, but he doesn't open his eyes. I sigh as I watch him sleep, realizing I probably look really creepy considering I'm only in a hospital nightgown. I sigh and begin to stand up, before a voice breaks through the silence and startles me.

"Where are you going?" Jason asks. I turn to face him and see he is sleepily gazing up at me. I smile.

"Back to my room. You're tired. I'll see you tomorrow when it's acceptable for me to be up here."

"No," Jason whines. "I need to talk to you now!" I sigh, but agree.

I sit back down in the chair and Jason reaches for my hand. "Look Kayleigh, I know this last year has been a nightmare, but it's behind us now. Alex is far away, and he can't hurt you anymore. I'm making sure of it. So you and I, we can have a fresh start! We can be together now without having to worry about what might happen to us. We'll be alright," He says, smiling crookedly.

I stare into his beautiful honey brown eyes and sigh. I love Jason, I really do, but this can't happen.

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