Run For Your Life (Chapter 25)

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You know where this is from :) The next chapter I write will NOT be from the sequal, it will be brand new :) Please keep reading!! I am going to go try for 1D concert tickets :p Bye :) xoxoxo


*Kayleigh's POV*

"Psst!" I heard someone whisper as they moved closer to my bed. I didn't even react to people coming and going from my room. Sometimes, ten men came in during the night to use my body that Alex rented to them. So I didn't move my head when I heard this whispering voice. It might not even be real for all I know. The feeling of being trapped has taken over my mind, and I'm not even functional. I'm just crazy.

"Kayleigh?" The voice said. "Are you awake?"

It was a woman's voice. I've heard it before. The voice that belonged to an abused woman, who's been drugged, as well. Who used to be free and beautiful, but is now as slaved as I am.

I rolled over to see her face. It was Leah. She moved onto my bed and crawled over next to me. She talked to me a few times since I've been here, but never about anything going on in the world. She just comforts me when I have a breakdown. She can't even tell me how long I've been here, but I'm guessing months. Maybe 3 or 4? Who knows.

"Kayleigh, Alex has men coming over tomorrow, again."

I register this. Usually Alex only invites men once a week, maybe. Never the next day. More money, I guess.

"I'm going to cover for you," Leah says, hugging me close. "They won't touch you for now."

Leah felt bad about betraying me almost a year ago. She tries to help me anyway she can, now. I'm guessing to ease the guilt.

"Kayleigh?" She asks. "Are you listening?" She began to cry.

I just nod. Not up for talking, and not even sure how to talk. Drugs do funny things go your head.

Alex began giving me drugs awhile ago. It made me stop fighting him when he raped me. He hasn't given them to me for a while, though. Guess it's because I just left my spirit behind. I'm an empty shell of a person. Just like Alex wants.

Leah's crying turned into sobbing, so I smoothed her hair and patted her back. I couldn't do much else.

Alex entered a few minutes later with my dinner, a roll and tap water. Yep, a slave's life.

Technically, Leah wasnt allowed in my room, but usually Alex didn't care. Except when he wanted someone to hurt. Like tonight.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" He yelled at Leah, making her cry louder. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT COMING IN HERE?!"

If Leah was saving me from rape tomorrow, I could save her from abuse tonight.

"I told her to come in," I said with no emotion in my voice. "It's not her fault."

I wasn't watching Alex. I had my eyes on Leah. So, I didn't know what was coming until I felt it fight after Leah screamed.

Alex's fist collided with my eye before his hands locked around my throat, blocking my airways.

"NOOOOOOO!" Leah shrieked as she jumped on Alex, bearing him to the floor.

I closed my eyes as I heard moans and cries of pain along with the impact of bone on skin. I didn't know who was winning.

I sat on my small cot in the fetal position, covering my ears with my hands and rocking back and forth with my eyes squeezed shut. Suddenly, the struggling sounds stopped, and I felt a tender hand on my shoulder.

I opened one eye and looked up to see an unharmed Leah. I then opened my other eye and looked down to see a bloody, unconscious Alex. Leah removed my hands from my ears.

"Kayleigh," She whispered, a smile creeping onto her face. "He didn't lock the door..."

I didn't understand what she meant, until I looked up at the door. It was cracked open. We could escape...

"Go!" Leah whispered urgently as she helped me to me feet. "Hurry! Run! As fast as you possibly can! Don't stop until your home!"

I nodded sluggishly and grabbed her wrist, dragging her in tow behind me as I began to leave the room. She wrestled her hand from my grasp and shook her head.

"No," She said. "I'm staying here."

"Leah!" I whispered. "Don't be ridiculous! He'll kill you!"

Leah chuckled lightly. "And I'll be free," She whispered. "I have no home, no family, not even friends. I'm better off dead anyway."

"But!" I started. But she shoved me to the door before I could protest. I hugged her before I began to run. Run out the door. Run as far away as I could. I had one motive only, and that was to find a phone. I could call Jared, have him pick me up. If he even remembered me, that is.

I ran farther down the road and out of the woods, surely looking like a mess. I jogged until I reached a street light and paused to check out the street sign. It didn't even make since.

It wasn't even a word, just numbers. There are absolutely NO street signs like that anywhere in this city. Where am I?

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