The First Night (Part 24)

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Hey! :) Again, this is a chapter from the sequal I originally made...but it is being put onto this book :) I'm might start a new book, so would you read it?! Comment, fan, vote, share :) x0x0x0x


*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

"SHUT UP!" Alex screamed, shoving Leah into the wall. Leah yelped in pain as she fell onto the floor. "God dammit! Your so stupid!"

"Alex, please!" She begged as he walked toward my room. "Just don't hurt her!"

"What do you care?!" He scoffed as he placed his hand on my door's knob. I quickly got up and laid on my bed, pretending to sleep.

Alex unlocked my door and walked in, shutting it behind him. I can hear his heavy footsteps walk to my side as his quiet breathing got closer.

"Your not asleep," He said, blankly. "I can tell."

"What do you want?" I asked, rolling over and exposing my tear-stained face.

Alex chuckled. "Aww, do you miss your boyfriend? Too bad he's dead, huh?"

"No he's not," I say quietly. Alex just chuckles again.

"Anyway," He says. "You better get ready."

"For what?" I ask as he walks to my door.

"For me," He said, smirking. "I'll be back in a half an hour."

It takes me a second to register what he's just said, and when I do realize it, the lock on the door clicks.

"Nooo!" I gasp. "This can't be happening!"

I pace the room, observing my surroundings. A bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. No windows and no way out.

I realize the only way out is to fight, and I know Alex will overpower me. He's got reinforcements, too. But if I want out of here, I've got to try. Try and succeed, or try and suffer the consequences of failing. I sigh and sit down on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth. Soon, I hear Alex's heavy footsteps approaching my door, and the sound of a key in the lock.

"Knock, knock," Alex says, smirking as he enters my room. "Why aren't you dressed, baby?"

"First, don't call me that," I say with tears in my eyes. "And second, you'll just take my outfit off, anyway."

Alex laughs and sits on the edge of my bed, leaning towards me. "Listen here, slut. You do what I say when your here. You don't backtalk, you don't try any funny stuff, and you don't object. Okay?"

I nod slightly, knowing I won't follow any of these rules. I'll probably be dead by the time Jared can find me.

"Good." Alex says, climbing on the bed and crawling towards me. "Now that we understand each other, let's get down to business."

"Wha-" I begin, but I'm cut short by Alex crushing his lips to mine.

I struggle to push him off, but he only pins my arms to my sides. Desperate, I kick my legs, aiming for his gut. I miss by inches.

"That's it!" Alex yells angrily. "You wanna fight? Then you'll get it hard!"

"No!" I cry out as he pulls my shirt off and my pants down. I scream as he enters me, and in return, my face is met with a slap.

*Jason's Point of View*

I groaned as I sat up in my hospital bed. I've been here for two weeks, when I could've been hunting Kayleigh.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to trust Alex with anything. I don't even wanna think about what he's doing to her...

I shuddered at that thought. The last thing I remember was Kayleigh being put in Alex's van, and someone pulling me into the woods...

I just want to get out of this hospital before something tragic happens to Kayleigh.

"Hello, Mr. McCann," The nurse says as she enters my room.

"Hey," I say. "Can I leave now?" Nurse Pilon chuckled.

"Jason, you've been shot and lost an immense amount of. On top of that, you hit your head and gave yourself a concusion. You'll need to stay here for another few days."

"But, it's been 2 days!" I argue. "I'm fine!"

"No your not," She says, putting some kind of medication into my IV. "That's what I'm here to talkcto you about..."

*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

"Hope you enjoyed that," Alex said as he left my room, buckling his belt.

I was crying as I laid under the blankets on my bed. When I heard the door shut, I quickly got up to redress. That was the worst time of my life. I never knew being raped would be so...awful. I mean, I know it's terrible and all, but I just feel so violated and dirty.

God, why did this happen to me? My thoughts were interrupted by shouting. I moved to the door to listen.

"Alex, what happened in there?!" Leah screamed.

"You don't need to know!"

Leah started crying as Alex threw her on the ground, pulling her pants down this time. He's raped two girls in one night, now...

I crawled back over to my bed, realizing that I might not ever get out of here. This might have to be my life all because I chose to pursue Jason. All because I wanted to know him and his sister.

I thought about his honey eyes, fringed with perfect black lashes, glancing down at his lips, all I wanted in that moment was him; to stretch up and kiss him. Kiss him like we were... right for each other. Like we were good for each other, but he was a different person. He isn't good for me and I knew that. He was a killer. He had no respect for human life, what made me think he had any for me? What makes me different then those people he has killed? I couldn't concentrate on these important thoughts, too caught up in lust, lust for him. Jason McCann.

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