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Say goodbye to Kayleigh and Jason! :'( Now it's time for me to focus on writing my newest books! If you enjoyed this book, I suggest checking out, "What Matters" on my profile! :) I would also recommend reading "Three Little Words", but it is a BOYXBOY story, so don't read it if you don't like that! Okay guys, well, it's been fun!


Picture: Kayleigh's Daughter :)

Song: "Back To December" By Taylor Swift


*Nine Years Later*

*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

"Mommy!" Lila squealed with delight. "Higher!"

I chuckled but complied, pushing the swing harder. She giggled and screamed again, swinging her legs and demanding that I push her even higher.

"You're going to fall off if you're not careful, Lila," I warn the four- year-old, my voice soft.

She turns to look at me and pouts, pulling the same look that her father used to. She's like an exact clone of him, and that's what kills me. Having to see her, and witness her personality everyday, it only brings a painful reminder. The only thing she got from me was my hair, but the rest is all him. I sigh as I push the swing faster, causing it to rise slowly. She laughed and thanked me, clearly knowing I'll cave when she gives me that look.

I gently bring the swing to a stop, ignoring her protests. "But mommy! I want to stay and play!"

I gently place my arms around her tiny waist and lift her up, placing her on my hip and picking up our bag. "We have to go meet Grandma for lunch!" I say, trying to lighten her mood. "You want to see Grandma, right?"

She nods, latching her small arms around my neck. "Of course you do," I joke. "That woman spoils you rotten!"

"Grammy love me!" She says, her perfect lips tugging into a smile. "That's why!"

I chuckle lightly as I carry her through the park and towards my car. We pass by the pond where children are feeding the ducks. A painful twitch passes through my heart as I remember Christian and I taking Lila there after her first birthday. He had put in a quarter and turned the knob to recieve the handful of corn seed that was fed to the geese, he handed Lila some and allowed her to feed them, one by one. The geese had started to flock around her, so eventually, Christian and I had to interfere and take her to feed the fish instead.

"Mommy!" Lila shouts, wiggling from my grasp. "Down! Please? I want to walk!" I agree and place her on the ground, she grips my hand and tows me forward.

"Look! Look, mom, a dog!" She yells, rushing towards a park bench where a man and woman sit, holding a dog leash. A red Irish Setter sits at their feet, obediant as ever. At the sound of Lila's voice, its ears perk up and its tail begins to wag. It gives a short bark, signaling that Lila is welcome to scratch its belly.

"Lila, you can't just pet a dog!" I scold, pulling her back slightly. "You need to ask if it's okay first, otherwise, the dog could bite." She nods and asks permission to talk to the owners. I agree.

"Excuse me, mister!" She says, running over to the man and woman. He acknowledges her presence, turning to face her and giving a wide smile. I smile to myself, noting the man's kindness. The woman seems equally as kind, smiling and laughing at Lila's enthusiastic but polite manner for a four-year-old.

I check the man out, my eyes taking in his familiarity. His chocolate brown hair was spiked up. He wore dark skinny jeans that sagged below his waist, a silver chain hung low over his white t-shirt, which was overlapped by a denium jacket, the sleeves cut off just after his shoulders.

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