Jason McCann (Part 3)

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Gosh! I hate math! Why do we even need it? I mean, we have calculators! I tried to get a grip on what Mrs. Bartrum was teaching, but it didn't make sense. Who learns on the first day, anyway? I glanced over at Jason. Bad boy wasn't even paying attention. Wow, shocker. I thought about his sister, and what she said about the "incident". What could have mad him so bitter?

"...and the square root of 13 and y should equal the product of z and a," said Mrs. Bartrum. "So the answer is...Kayleigh?"

I didn't even hear her say my name. I was so busy staring at Jason, and being lost in my own thought, I completely shut out the world. Now, if only I knew Anna's schedule, then I could find her and ask her...

"KAYLEIGH CRUZ!" screamed Mrs. Bartrum, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't sleeping!" I yelled, jerking up right. The class laughed, well, everyone but Jason. He mainly looked annoyed. Had he caught me staring at him?

"Well Kayleigh, thanks for joining us again. Now, what is th answer to number 5?"

"Umm, g?" I asked, taking a guess.

Mrs. Bartrum sighed. "Kayleigh, that isn't even an option."

"Oops," I say, giggling a little. Mrs. Bartrum wasn't ammused. She turned back to the whiteboard and wrote down my name.

"You have detention, Miss Cruz. And I will be calling your parents to talk about tutoring lessons."

I sighed. Detention on the first day. I'm bad enough to hang with Jason now! The bell rang for lunch. Maybe Anna had my lunch...

I walked into the lunch room and got my tray. Yuck. School food was terrible here, even though it was a "rich school". I walked over to my group of friends. We sat at the same table every year. We were kind of the outcasts of the school. We weren't poor, but we didn't act all preppy and rich. We were normal.

"Hey, Kay!" my best friend Leah shouted, as I walked over.

"Sup?" I said smiling. Leah and I have been best friends since I first moved to New York. She was the only one who really made an effort to be my friend. Everyone else was to obsessed with lip gloss and boys to notice me.

"I haven't seen you all day!" Leah said, sadly. "What class d'ya got next?"

"Spanish," I said. "You?"

"Same! Finally! We have a class together!" I laughed and sat down. Our table consisted of Leah, Christian, Ryan, Ashley, Chaz, and Nicole. We were the misfits, trying to blend in with these snobs. Leah and Ryan were a thing. Same with Ashley and Christian, and Nicole and Chaz. I was the single one. Never wanted to find love. Ever.

When I was little, I saw a couple in the park. They were all happy, and then something changed. The man became upset at the woman, and he slapped her in the face. Then he punched and kicked her. I didn't get it. I watched as he pushed her down then dragged her into the woods. He came out, but she didn't. Not until I was leaving. She was bloody and bruised. Holding her stomach. I realized she was pregnant. Poor woman.

I looked around the cafeteria. I saw Anna sitting with Jason. Usually he sat alone, but I guess he felt bad for his sister.

"I'll be right back, guys," I said standing up.

"Where ya goin'?" Christian asked.

"Somewhere," I mumbled. They didn't know when to mind there own business.

I walked swiftly over to Jason's table. Anna saw me coming and waved. Jason gave her a dirty look. Great. He hates me already.

"Hey Anna," I say, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Hi, Kayleigh," she says politely. "This is my brother Jason. Jason, this is my new friend Kayleigh."

"Hey, Jason," I say holding out my hand.

"Hi," he says curtly, looking down. "I'm gonna go, Anna."

"Wait, Jason! kayleigh just got here! Don't be so rude." Anna hissed.

Jason sighed, but sat down. Was I really that boring?

"So Jason," i say, making small talk. "You like drawling?"

He nods. Not paying much attention. He pulls out his phone and texts someone. I sigh.

"Hey Anna," I say. "What were you saying earlier about the "incident"?"

Anna looks puzzled, then afraid. Jason looks furious.

"You told her?" he yelled. "Why!"

"No-" Anna started, but Jason was gone.

"Thanks, Kayleigh." Anna sighed, then ran after Jason. Gosh, why did he take it like that? My phone rang.


"Wow, wait to go. Made him mad, didn't ya? I wouldn't mess around with him, Kayleigh. Not if you wanna live. But, you should hang with me. I have all the answers."

"Who are you?" I ask. My voice shaky.

"I'm your friend, Kayleigh. But, the people at your lunch table, the people on your house, they aren't. They are strangers."

"Dude, just leave me alone!" I scream.

"Don't push me away. Your gonna need me. I'm gonna help you. Just come outside tonight. Outside your front door. I'll meet you there."

"But-" I was cut off. The man had hung up. Well, if I wanna know who he is, guess I wil have to meet him!

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