Dead And Gone (Part 13)

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I sped home and burst through the door, into the laundry room. The house was quiet, but I knew they were here. Their cars were also in my three car garage.

"MOM!" I screamed, throwing down my bag and running upstairs. "DAD!"

I found them. My mom first. Laying on the bed as if she had fainted or fallen down from exhaustion. I would have thought that if I wouldn't have saw the knife in her chest. I threw up next to her lifeless body. I placed my hand on her pale, still one. Ice cold. I shuddered. I ran into the bathroom and saw my dad. Laid in the bathtub with a bullet hole in his forehead. Dead, as well. I screamed. Then I remembered, that the killer could still be here.

I dashed down the stairs and grabbed my purse and keys, running to my car. I started up my black Escalade and drove down the street, pulling out my phone, and dialing a number I have never had to.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" the operator said.

"M-my parents," I said, through sobs. "I f-f-found them d-dead when I got home f-from s-s-school!"

"Calm down, miss." she said soothingly. "Where are you?"

"Driving to my f-friends," I said, still bawling. "I didn't f-feel safe in my house."

After that, she asked for my name and address. I reluculently gave her all of my information. She told me to stay by my phone, and they would call when they knew what had happened. I was crying so bad that I had to pull into an empty parking lot to pull myself together. I cried and thought of all the things I had said to my parents before they died. Most of it was spiteful and rude. Why was I so shitty to them? Fuck!

I was so lost in crying, that I screamed my head off when I heard a knock on my window. I stared at where the sound came from. Jason.

I didn't care that I was mad at him. I didn't care that he was a criminal. I didn't care that he tried to kill me. I cared that I needed comforted. I unlocked the door and scooted over to the passenger side. He climbed in and held me tight, letting me cry like hell into his shoulder. He smoothed my hai and rubbed my back, crooning in my ear.

"It's okay, baby girl," he whispered in my ear. "Tell me what happened."

But I couldn't. I was so broken inside. I tried to talk, but he couldn't comprehend any of it with all my crying. So he just let me sob and soak his shirt with tears. He kissed my face all over. Muttering about how sorry he was and how everything would be fine. But it wouldn't. My parents were dead. Dead. Gone. Forever. Now, it was up to me. I had to crack this mystery and play the game. I had to give in to the monster who seemed intent on ruining my life. Because he wouldn't stop until I ended him. And I had no idea who "he" is. I needed more information. But all I craved was to stay here forever, in Jason's arms. I don't forgive him for what happened. But I really don't have a choice, seeing as I have no one else.

I don't know how long I cried, but it felt like an eternity. Eventually, I was interrupted by my cellphone ringing. It was the police who were investigating my house.

"Miss Cruz?" the officer said.

"Yes sir, that's me."

He paused before speaking. "We need you to come to the station. I know that's the most painful thing right now, but it is what has to be done."

"I understand," I said, sighing. I hung up the phone and told Jason everything. About my parents dying. About the man who seemed intention ruining my life. About Alex. Jason froze.

"What?" I asked, suspiciously. He shook his head.

"So do you forgive me?" he asked. I shook my head.

"What you did is unforgivable. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

He climbed out of my car quickly. I started it up and drove to the police station, without even a backward glance at him.

After questioning the crap out of me, I thought about my life. Talent show was coming up. Big geometry test. Finals soon. Ugh, just what I need! I drove to a diner and got some food. As I sat there in the booth, eating my hamburger, I saw something that might have been the answer to this crazy, insolvable puzzle. I was almost certain.

-So!! This is not the best chapter...but I had to hurry...and I knew you guys wouldn't like to wait forever!!! Enjoy and give me feed back please :)

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