Life Will Go On (Chapter 31)

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HAAAAYYYY YA'LL! :D ANOTHER new chapter! Bleh! It's kind of a filter -_- But it is required for the next chapter to EVEN EXIST! :p I actually wrote the last 4 chapters in a period of 3 days because I had absolutely nothing to do, so I thought it was the perfect time to write! Oh em gee, only 3 chapters left! D: The next one is in Jason's POV and the final two are a mix of Kayleigh and Jason :) Sound good? I hope so! Okay, I'm done! Comment, read, fan, vote and enjoy! ;D


Song: "Little Bit Stronger" By Sara Evans :) (Please play it while reading the chapter)

Picture: None this time!


*Kayleigh's Point Of View*

The next few days passed quickly. Mainly because I was just a shell of a numb, lifeless girl. The nurses noticed my state and constantly asked why I was so depressed. I just shook them off and tried my best to avoid the touchy subject. But I failed.

Everyday, I asked the nurse how Jason was. I asked if he was healing okay, if he seemed upset, and when he was getting out of here. The answered the same everyday. Yes, no, soon. Gee, thanks for that informative answer. Please note my sarcasm.

The following Tuesday, I was released from the hospital. I had to take it easy for a few weeks, but I wasn't complaining. I went back to school the following day, using my crutches to hobble around. My best friend Ryan carried my stuff for me. I constantly had to go to the nurse because of pain, though, and it caused me to miss a lot of class.

Anna wasn't at school. I asked Ryan what happened to her, and he said she transferred. Life for me went back to normal, for the most part. My friends welcomed me back like I had never left. No one but Ryan new what happened to me. He was very supportive and accepting. He did flinch when I talked about seeing Leah again, but didn't press for any extra information on her. Yep, school life was the same. But not life at home.

I wasn't allowed to stay by myself because of how helpless my injuries made me. I ended up moving in with Ryan, who lives with a roomate. He told me his roomate wouldn't mind since he was never even home. I was very thankful to have Ryan in my life. Unlike most people, Ryan wasn't embarrassed when I need help showering or using the restroom. He didn't find it awkward when he saw me naked, trying to help me dress. He didn't complain when I would cry out at night from some nightmare I was having, and would force him to sleep in my bed when he came to check on me. So you can say, Ryan was my life savor.

He knows that I'm fragile, though. He sees it when someone goes to hug me, and I cringe away from the contact. He notices that I don't want to go out that much anymore, when I used to have to drag him out of the house to go anywhere. He knows that my life experiences have turned me into a completely different person. But still, he is gentle and patient.

I haven't been able to move on since I broke up with Jason. To be honest, I've tried everyway you could imagine to try and find him. He doesn't have a Facebook. No Twitter. He doesn't even have files at the school. I know I broke up with him for the better, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

There are days when I just want to lay in my room, wallowing inmy guilt and self-pity, but I know I need to be strong for everyone around me. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, because I've always been independent. I hate when people feel sorry for me, because there is nothing to be sorry for. I can't control what happens, and neither can anyone else.

"There's nothing on!" I complain, griping at the lack of good shows on late night television. Ryan chuckles.

As I lay on our couch with Ryan, my head in his lap, flipping through channels on the t.v., I hear the doorbell chime. Ryan sighs, stroking my hair.

"I got it," He says, gently moving me from his lap.

I hear his footsteps as he walks down the front hall of our three-bedroom apartment. It isn't much, just a small kitchen, dining room, living room, and hallway, but it's home. I hear the irritatingly familar screech of the front door as Ryan pulls it open. I hear him greet the visitor, a muffled reply from whoever it is, Ryan inviting them in, and footsteps.

"Hey, Kayleigh," Ryan says, causing me to break my gaze from the screen.

"Hm?" I mumble.

"Someone's here to see you," He says, Moving to the side to reveal the stranger.

That's the problem, though. He wasn't a stranger. He was the boy who turned my life upside down. Brought me joy, then brought me sarrow. He's the one who caused my countless heartbreaks, and tried desprately to fix them. He was the one I loved with all my heart.

Tears sprung to my eyes, stinging them greatly. I choked as my breath caught in my throat, not allowing words to escape. I tried to clear my head, which suddenly began to throb painfully.

"Jason?" I croak. "Wh-what are you do-d-doing here?"

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