Your Never Clubing Again! (Part 19)

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OHHH EMMM GEEE!!! GUYS, IT'S PART 19!!! HOLY COW EYES!!! KAY SO I KNOW YOU GUYS HAVE KINDA STOPPED READING BECAUSE MY STORY SUCKS, BUT FOR THAT 1% THAT EVEN GIVES A CANDY CANE'S BUTT ABOUT MY STORY, I WILL WRITE!!! SORRY IM YELLING!! Okay so this is 19 and It starts out in Jason's POV (Point of View) and then it goes to Kayleigh's POV (Point of View) so it's extra long :) Kay so I might skip to like months later in the next chapter but idk. Plus I'm leaving to go to The Event in Florida so I won't be on till like, Christmas. :) So chapter 20 might be your present if you even want it :p Kay, so enjoy or vomit or pee or eat a sandwich! No just kidding but seriously, heres part 19 :)


*Jason's Point Of View*

I was standing there, fixing my hair spraying on my cologne, when I look in the mirror and the hottest girl I've ever seen walks into view. My god, Kayleigh looks so hot. I just-. Woah, calm down, Jason.

"Ready to go?" I asked her, pulling her close and kissing her cheeks. She nodded.

We walked to my car and started to drive to the club. I know the owner and he let's me in anytime I want. Mostly because he's afraid of me. Alex and I got some dirt on him from a while ago when he helped us bomb that police officer's funeral...

I grabbed Kayleigh's hand as we drove to the club. She was singing along to Like A G6 on the radio, and her voice was amazing. There wasn't one thing about her that wasn't perfect.

When we arrived at the club, I led Kayleigh right to the front.

"Hey, Jason!" Kevin the bouncer yelled when he saw me. Everyone here knew me because this is where Alex and I used to do our business dealings and meetings.

"Hey, Kevin!" I said, clapping him on the back.

"And who might this be?" Kevin asked, eyeing Kayleigh.

I pulled her closer to me and smiled. "This is my beautiful baby girl, Kayleigh."

"Wow man!" Kevin said, shaking his head and smiling. "Who ever thought you'd settle down?"

I smirked. It's true. Every time we were at this club, I got myself a new, sexy chick to use that night.

"Well," Kevin said. "Head on in!" I smiled.

"Thanks, man!" I said, fist pounding him.

I led Kayleigh inside and looked around the club. It wasn't too crowded, of course it was full. This was a private club, so a select few get in. I noticed a few of the chicks I used to mess around with were in here, and they were staring. I smirked and led Kayleigh to the bar.

I knew the bartender well, and he had no problem giving me alcohol. I ordered two drinks and handed Kayleigh one. I know I told mom I don't drink, but I do a lot of stuff without telling her. Se has no clue about Alex and I...

Kayleigh downed her alcohol and towed me to the dance floor. "Down on Me" by 50 Cent was playing, and I could tell Kayleigh let the alcohol get to her.

She started grinding and dirty dancing all over me, and I couldn't control myself. I started making out with her and smirked when she moaned.

After a few more songs, I headed to get us drinks when I was pulled to the side by some unknown person.

"What the hell..." I said, as I was pulled into the back room.

There sat Alex, Johnson, and Huxbee. A few other men were there, but I'd never seen them.

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