Hero (septiplier)

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So I know some people dislike it when authors put themselves in stories but that's how I think this one is best told. If you skip this one it's not going to offend me I promise but it's something I want to write.

"Alright class!" Mr. Fischbach called from the front of the room. "Settle down! The bell has spoken!" I chuckled and turned from my friend to the teacher. "I have your attention now? No? Too bad. This week we will be focusing on Odysseus and the Odyssey." I smile. I had always loved Greek mythology and I could sense my friends smiling as well. "Does anyone know the story of Odysseus?" He asks. I raise my hand and hear someone mumble in the back,

"Know it all."

"Shut up moron." My friend says from beside me to the student in the back.

"Ace?" Mr. Fischbach asked. "Would you like to tell us the story."

Ace glares at the kid in the back but starts to explain anyway. "The Odyssey is about a man who gets lost on his way home from a war and-..."

"Let me stop you right there." Mr. Fischbach says. "This is no story of some random guy. This is the story of a hero! Not just any hero, but an epic hero. One who fights for honor and glory!" He says a bit too excitedly. He was always one to get our attention. "Odysseus, a brave general, fights at the battle of Troy and is victorious! He starts his journey home, but due to a vengeful God, is not able to reach his kingdom of Ithaca. He is a true hero of Greek literature. Courageous! Cunning!" He pauses. "But how many of you would honestly say that he is your hero?" No one raised their hands and Mr. Fischbach smiled. "Exactly. Very few people would even list them in their top ten. So why is that?"

"Because he was stupid." Someone called out and The class laughed.

"Because the story doesn't apply anymore." I say.

"Exactly! So who are our heroes now?"

"Kim Kardashian!" Someone yelled.

He just rolled his eyes. "Come on. Everyone has a hero." When the class remains silent he huffs and shakes his head. "Ok new plan. We will be reading The Odyssey in a week. You all have until then to create a two minute speech about your hero." The class groaned but he just smiled. "Come on! This will be fun! All you have to do is find a hero. It doesn't matter who it is. That can be fictional or real. They can be someone you know personally. They can be someone famous. It doesn't matter. I just want you to find someone who inspires you."

"Who is your hero?" Hm asks from beside me.

"Is it like Shakespeare or something?" Someone else asks.

He laughs. "No."


"Not even close."

"Saint Patrick."

"Oh haha." Mr. Fischbach laughs along with everyone else. "I get it. Irish joke. Fiddle Dee tee. Ter after me lucky charms!" He says in an exaggerated version of his own accent. The class erupts into laughter as the bell rings. "Have your speech ready by Monday!" He calls.

~time skip brought to you by your neighborhood, spud lovin' redhead.~

"So um like... Katy Perry is also like really nice and um..." The timer goes off and we all sigh of relief. This is how all except a few of the presentations have gone. Um this and like that. It was honestly painful.

"Alright class. I think that's everyone-..."

"Mr. Fischbach!" Hm called.


"You never told us who your hero is."

He chuckles and looks down. "No one here would know him."

"So?" Ace asked.

"Who is it?" Someone behind me shouts.

He nods slowly and looks back up at us. "My hero... Is a man that was brave and selfless and pure. He was an amazing person. An inspiration to millions and still humble at heart."

"Was?" Someone asked.

"Yes. Was. He passed away a few years ago." The room was completely silent as we waited for him to go on. "He and his husband (yes he was gay) were living in a really tall apartment building. One day, some... Person.... Started a fire on one of the lower floors." There was a few gasp but we stayed otherwise quiet. "He and his husband made it out of the building safely and watched as it started to crumble. Just before the firemen showed up, they saw a little girl screaming from one of the top floors and her mother crying a few feet away from u- them." He cleared his throat. "He ran into the building to save the little girl as the fire engine pulled up. They set up a sling beneath the window so that they would have an escape when he reached her, but they couldn't get inside. All the exits had been closed off." He clears his throat again and looks down at his feet. "H-he made it to the girl and somehow coaxed her into jumping to the sling. She made it down safely and ran to her mother. W-when everyone looked back for up for him... The entire floor had collapsed."

The room was dead silent as the reality of what he had said sunk in.

"No one saw what happened?" I finally ask.

He shook his head. "One person did. They saw him climb onto the windowsill just as the roof caved in above him. A beam had hit his head and knocked him unconscious."

"Who saw it?"

"His husband. He hadn't taken his eyes off of him for a second after he entered the building."

More silence as the story unraveled and reality sunk in. "W-what was his name?" Someone asked.

"Mark.... Mark Fischbach."

I have a challenge. This is a concept I've wanted to write for a while but obviously ^ it didn't go so well. Maybe one of you could do better? I don't know. Also sorry to my friends hmtaniwha and AceMcSpace for bring them into this. I know it's bad. Sorry.

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