☆ Lost Memories ☆

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☆Raydon pov☆

Its been three long weeks of me just sitting here watching her chest move up in down i mean its a blessing within itself thats shes breathing without the respirator and her eyes flicker sometimes when i talk to her or the fact that when i squeeze her hand she squeezes back sometimes.. i missed her i dont think no one understand.

This hit was for me this was supposed to be me fighting for my life not her. She's been saving my ass for years now constantly never breaking a sweat this is why i married her.

I swear not a woman alive will take my wife place. I just need for her to wake up. "I miss you baby" i whispered to her as her heart monitor beeped loudly.

This was a normal..i think the most hurtful thing of it all was that theirs a possibility she wont remember our time together i no it havent been long but its still time.. time that she wont get back.. memories i have to remind her of....


The nurse on duty walked inside of the room where her patient was still out from her coma she checked all her visuals and was about to leave when a soft hand grabbed her wrist causing the nurse to turn in face the woman whos eyes were teary and looked franic.

" oh my god sweetie calm down im gonna call your doctors relax" nurse Hobbs said as she pressed the botton on the side of the bed as her patient whimpered scared.

" relax" she told her as the doctors rushed in the room and begin to check up on her.

" okay were gonna ask you simple questions its hospital procedure mrs.williams" doctor Trenton spoke as she nodded her head.

" who is mrs.williams" she asked confused

" my name is skylar james" the patient spoke.

" okay how old are you?"

" 25" she whispered looking around

" do you no todays date?"

" yes october 31, 2012" she spoke confused as the doctors wrote something down on the clipboard he was carrying.

" ms.james i no your wondering why are you here but i think we should wait for your husband" dr Trenton spoke.

" my husband what the fuck are you talking about im not fucking married if i was married i would have a ring on my fing-"" she stated as she froze in shock at the big ass diamond hanging on her ring finger darren out did himself.

The door bust opened before she can finish her rant and the sexiest guy she ever seen walked inside confusing the hell out of her.

" sky baby i came as soon as they called me"the guy spoke as she continued to daze at his handsome face.

"who are you" she finally got out as she seen the pain flash in is eyes.

" im your husband raydon williams" he answered as he let out a deep breath.

" doc umm can we have a min" her so called husband spoke as the nurse and the doctor agreed and walked out the room.

Raydon walked towards the windows in he room and just stared out while she laid in the bed looking at his back.

"You know i remember the day we first met" he spoke chuckling at the thought " you was wearing this bad ass pink two-piece suit and some sexy ass pumps your hair was in some kind of updo but your face when you seen me was priceless you had a look of disguse on like you couldnt believe i was your first client.

I was referred to you from an old friend of mines he told me you was young and new but you was a killer at what you do, the first thing i asked you was can i take you on a date fuck everything else and you laughed in my fucking face in told me i was a little ass boy and you had a man..

THE KINGPINS LAWYER ((Editing))Where stories live. Discover now