☆ kingpin 12 ☆

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  " you think this is good for the baby" i asked layla who simply ignored me by plugging her headphones in her ears.

    I shook my head she doesn't understand  that acting like a baby isn't doing shit but pushing me away.. i hate that shit i asked u if u wanted to come you had a choice should've said no.

    Shes mad cause nicole dont want her at her shower, and i didnt blame her layla was way out of line in he put her in her place. She was wilding  for respect.

    She told me i should miss it to bitch this is my best friend almost like a brother to me baby shower im the god father like is she serious.

   I just looked at her in shook my head this was impossible.  I took the shopping cart i was pushing and just went down another aile away from her. .

     I didnt have no kids so i didnt no what to buy so i brought a little bit of everything it didnt matter what's the price.

I felt arms wrap around my waist as i shrugged her off and went to the register to check out.

    I knew she was behind me and i knew she was pouting.. childish man really fucking annoying..

   I paid her know mind as the cashier ranged up everything "your total is $700.84" the cashier said as i pulled out my credit card and swiped and  threw all the things into the cart.

  We heading out the store and i unlocked my car popping the trunk and throwing the boxes and bags inside as she climbed inside and slammed my door.

    I followed suit and got inside but i didnt turn the car on " yo what the fuck is your problem dead ass why you being so fucking childish" i asked annoyed as shit now.

  " whats my problem raydon seriously" she asked folding her arms around her chest.

  "Yes what's fucking wrong with you" i asked.

  "If you dont like somebody im not gonna fuck with em because thats the respect i have for you but you no i dont fuck with nicole so why you going to her baby shower" layla stressed as i looked at her like she  grown another head.

  " hold the fuck up... even if it wasn't nicole baby shower but mel was the father im still gonna go because thats my fucking brother, fuck you got beef with nicole for because you was talking shit about her friend and she was about to get in ya ass why you so worried about a married woman for when you should be tryna play your own position." i shut her ass down and started my car shes getting dropped  off a head of time

   I pulled up in front of her crib and she looked at me teary eyed but i just shook my head and she climbed out i wasn't gonna do her drity but that shit is annoying like go have a fucking seat and chill.

  I pulled right off i didnt really care at all that she was mad.. the shit she did was uncalled for and on so many occasions i look past it but im not anymore.

    I headed home to get dressed only because i didnt no what to expect mel told me nicole asked skylar to come and we all was hoping she would. But even if she didnt ill understand.

      I was so happy Mel's baby shower was an exit away on the highway  from my crib.. so i could take my time getting dressed it started at 5 and it was 3:30 now.

I pulled up in my drive thru and  hopped out hitting my alarm about to head inside when i seen a white box sitting in front of my door with a red bow wrapped around it..

    He looked around shit felt suspicious  but didnt find anything  he kicked the box but nothing. He Bent down and collected it and brought it in the house shit he didnt no what was in it its been a while since he's been home he didnt no how long its been their for . He sat it down on the living room table and went upstairs  to get dressed.

THE KINGPINS LAWYER ((Editing))Where stories live. Discover now