Chapter 2 (I'm Newt)

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This confused Gani. Why didn't he like her, he didn't even know her! "What's your problem, I mean, nice to meet you too" Gani said mockingly, even though her height was short, 5'2 to be exact, she was strong, that was something no one could take away from her. He looked at her like he was pleased. "Well that's the first time I've seen a greenie talk that way to anyone let alone me" he paused for a second "I think I kinda like it".
Her heart was beating so fast. She didn't know if he was serious, or if he was making fun of her, but before she could say something about it, a boy from the opening yelled "what is going on down there". Gani forgot there was over 40 people looking down at her. She looked into the deafening sun, to see they were all boys. Was she the only girl? That didn't seem right, that couldn't be right. There was a rope that was hanging down into the box. The boy grabbed her, suddenly she felt vulnerable, she pushed away but he looked at her confused at first but he must have realized she didn't like that "don't worry"he said "I just need to bring you up to the glade" Gani calmed down a bit but she still kept her eye on him. He held her and they were hoisted up into this place the boy called the glade. He spoke right before they got to the top"I'm Minho" then he looked away as if it were very casual and they were not hanging from a rope. They reached the top and a few boys stepped forward and a few stepped backward. Gani looked around, she was the only girl. She started getting very nerve racked, but a boy who was the closest to her besides Minho must have read her thoughts, because then he yelled "Anyone touch this girl, will be banished to the Grievers!". Of course Gani didn't understand what that meant but that made her feel better for some reason. The boy then walked forward and held out a hand, " I'm Alby" he said. Gani took his hand and firmly shakes it "Gani" she replied. Another boy came up to Gani, this boy had blond hair, with a machete stapled to his back, he looked much more kind then the other boys. He smiled at her, a real smile but he had a flicker of almost sadness behind his eyes "I'm Newt, nice to see a new Greenie! But you look a little confused" he chuckled "I'm guessing you are as confused as us because we've never seen a bloody girl in the glade before"
Well that answers it, she was the only girl. Possibly the only one left in the world. If she was the only girl she was definitely sent here for a reason.

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