Chapter 31 (Unnatural)

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"That's not what freaks me out!" Gani said "how on earth did you hear me! I was so deep in the maze, you couldn't have possibly heard me!"
"It sounded like you were just around the corner it was so loud" Newt said.
"Yeah" Thomas nodded.
"How are you even able to yell that loud?" Newt asked Gani grabbing her arm. Gani knew he was going to try and hug her again, so she just went into his arms so she could save herself from the pulling.
Alby ran over before Gani could answer.
"Gani! That is against the rules! You are not allowed to go into the maze!" Alby said half yelling at her.
"I know" Gani replied feeling a little bad.
"Then why did you do it!" Alby said.
"Alby calm down" Newt said putting his hand on his shoulder.
"I can't calm down when someone apparently has a death wish!" Alby said now yelling at Newt.
"You guys have been driving me insane! That's why I ran into the maze!" Gani said.
"Well you know this won't go unpunished" Alby said, "one night in the pit and no food" Alby said.
"Come on Alby, that's-that's not fair, listen I was the one who caused her to run into the maze so punish me." Newt said.
"No Newt I should get punished" Thomas chimed in.
"Listen! I don't care! She decided to run into the maze, she gets punished! End of discussion!" Alby said walking away.
"I'm sorry Gani" Newt said, tears filling his eyes once again. He must think everything is all his fault.
"No Newt it's-" Gani started but Newt intervened.
"No Gani it's not ok! It's all my fault and I should be protecting you!"
Thomas put his hand on Gani's shoulder. Gani backed into his arms.
Newt didn't seem to notice.
"Newt" Thomas said. Gani could tell he didn't want her to be freaked out by how Newt was acting.
"What's wrong with me! I should've come after you! I should have done something!" Newt continued.
"Newt" Gani said crashing her lips against his. He stood there for a second but then he grabbed onto her and held her close as they continued kissing. He closed his eyes. Gani felt the tension leave his body.
The doors closed behind them and they separated. Alby came over before anyone talked.
"Ok Gani, come on" Alby grabbed her arm.
"Hey" Thomas said grabbing Alby's arm, he had an angry expression on his face, "easy". Alby loosened his grip on Gani's arm. Alby kept looking at Thomas, Alby didn't say anything, but then he started walking without speaking.
Gani got to the pit.
"Ok Gani see you in the morning" he said locking the door.
The pit had crossed branches, so she could see everything just she was confined to one space. Gani left her bow and arrows by the doors. Gani laid down. She heard someone coming. She shot up and looked to see who it was. She wasn't that surprised.
"What are you doing here Newt" Gani said not trying to be mean, but she couldn't really be with his physically at the moment.
"I've never spent a night without you, at least consciously"
"Newt that's probably not the best-" Gani said, she didn't want him to sleep on the ground by himself.
"G please! I really want to do this" Newt said sitting down next to the door.
"Ok" Gani said going to sit by the door. He put his arm through the bars as Gani grabbed it. He laid down and looked at the sky. Gani closed her eyes. She continued holding his hand. And with that sleep greeted her like an old friend.

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