Chapter 5 (In Newt's arms)

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Gani went to bed not pretty soon her talk with Newt. She was so tired and she realized she was starving too. Her stomach was like a tiger in a cage, clawing with all its might to get out. As soon as she realized it, there was a boy walking towards her, a chubby boy which most certainly had to be Chuck. "Hey Greenie! How was your first day!" He said with enthusiasm which was surprising, he was carrying a plate of food. There was some meat and potatoes.
"Not bad I guess, so you must be Chuck"
"Well you must be right" he said putting the plate of food down, Gani looked at him, something seemed different about him. He was as nice as Newt but was younger then Newt.
"So eat up Greenie, you had a long day" he said and sat down right next to her
"Chuck" Gani asked "how old do you think I am?"
"I'd say about 16 maybe" Chuck replied
"Oh ok" she said looking down, she hadn't seen herself and she couldn't remember what she looked like.
"Are you going to eat?"
Chuck asked, with his eyebrows raised. Gani looked down, she started devouring the food, the flavors seemed to pop in her mouth, it felt like she had never eaten before.
"Ok well, we're do you want to sleep? There are a lot of places in the glade. Just pick a place and take a sleeping bag and-"
Before he could finish Minho ran over. He patted Gani on the back. "Oh no Chuck, she's staying the homestead, we've never had a girl before and I don't trust these shanks ou-"
"I'll be fine" Gani said surprised at her courage
"Oh no you won't follow me" Minho made a motion with his hand for her to follow.
"I'm positive I'll be fine. I want to stay out here" she said standing her ground. Minho gave the exact same look to her as he did when she stood up to him in the box.
"Well miss courage here thinks she can do things for herself" he mocked.
" Minho come on, you need to learn from your mistakes and if staying out all night with my bow and arrows on me is a mistake, then that's the risk I'm willing to take."
"Yeah I'm not buying it come on" he grabbed her arm and was leading her to the homestead before she could rebel.
Minho explained everything that was going to happen. He told her that she was gonna be staying in the homestead and she was going to be staying by herself. When he got inside there was two beds in a room a little into the building. Gani walked in the room and saw Alby sitting on one of the beds. Minho let go of her and walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. "So are you staying with me?" Gani said sitting down.
"Oh no, there's no way I can do that I have a whole Glade to run so I guess you're on your own Ok, well good night I'll see you tomorrow, there's a bathroom down the hall." And without another word, Alby left leaving Gani sitting on the bed.
An hour or so went by with Gani thinking of different random things, still confused about the place she'd been left. Who put her there? And why? Was there a reason? In the corner of her eye she saw the door open, and as if a reaction that she'd done over and over before, she pulled her bow off her and loaded an arrow within 1 second. The person at the door raised his hands
"Whoa! It's me!" Newt came into the light of the room. Standing there now with his arm leaning against the door frame.
"Nice to see you too" he smiled.
Relaxing a little she exhaled and unloaded the arrow.
"Sorry I-I just didn't expect anyone to come"
"Well I thought you might want some company" he looked at her in her eyes, and actually look sincere like he really meant it.
"Yeah sure!" Gani answered probably a little to fast.
"Ok" Newt chuckled, closing the door and sitting on the other bed.
"Hey you ok?" he asked, he must have seen her looking down.
"Yeah just confused and nervous, I don't know what's going on." This is the first time Gani was actually scared. She looked down holding one arm and fidgeting with her feet.
"You just need some sleep, I stay awake wondering things like this all the time" Newt got in the other bed and she got in her's.
"Thanks Newt" and she closed her eyes for the first time for what felt like days.
The dream was awful. Gani saw faces that she couldn't remember but all looked out of shape, and covered with dirt and veins. Nothing made sense. The tension was rising, she was now in a dark room and she didn't remember how she got there all of a sudden.
Gani woke up screaming. She shot up in her bed, and rubbed her eyes. Tears came down her face as her back was wet with sweat. Her cry was silent. Newt was kneeling next to her bed now.
"Gani what happened? Are you ok?" Newt said this with his hand on her arm.
"Yeah I'm-I'm fine," the tears were still coming out of her eyes " bad dream I guess"
"Ok" Newt got up to go back to his bed.
"Newt" he turned around to look at her
"Will you stay with me" for the first time she needed comfort, she needed someone to help her feel secure.
Newt looked at her,
"Yeah sure" he said in a calming voice. Newt got into the bed and she put her head on his chest. For the first time in a while she felt safe. She heard his heartbeat thumping to a beat, and his warm embrace reminded her of if it was her mom hugging her, even though she didn't remember her mom. He cradled her with one arm, and stroked her hair with the other.
"Thanks for being here with me" Gani told him.
"I'm glad I'm here with you too, but I'd like for you to try and fall asleep" he told her sincerely. And with that Gani actually felt safe enough to try and fall asleep again.

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