Chapter 19 (The Maze)

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After a while, the room got dark. Newt laid  down next to Gani.
"Do you want to sleep here tonight" Gani asked Newt.
"Sure, whatever you want" Newt said rolling over and laying down next to her. He cradled her and stoked her hair. Gani fell asleep. Her dream was the first good dream she ever had in the glade. She was with a women. Who most definitely was her mother. Her mother was giving her soup, she was sitting on the couch. Her mom came and stoked her hair. Just like Newt does, that must be why she likes him doing that so much. She was feeling her head, she looked a bit concerned but not that bad. She kissed her head. She walked away into another room.
Gani woke up in the morning to find Newt asleep next to her , he still didn't have his shirt on. But his hair was in his eyes. Gani brushed it out of his eyes and kissed his cheek. He smiled. He must not be as asleep as she thought.
She looked out of the window to see Minho and some other boys running off into the maze. She looked down,
"Well Gani, I thought you were the one who didn't wake up early" Newt said. Gani got up, she started walking to get breakfast, she grabbed bagels, and brought them back to Newt.
"YES my favorite!" Newt said, scarfing down the food.
"Newt" Gani asked Newt,
"Yeah" Newt said mid chew.
"I need to go into the maze"
"Yeah I know you want to but Minho isn't going to let you anytime soon, I didn't become a runner till a year after I got here. You've haven't been here nearly that long."
"I'm going to have to do something about it-" Gani was cut off be the blaring Greenie alarm. Gani was told about it but she never really heard it before. Newt jumped up quickly, he had a concerned look on his face. He put his shirt on and grabbed his machete and slung it around his back.
"What's wrong?" Gani asked getting up.
"Greenies come once a month" Newt said running to the door. And motioning for Gani to come "It has been only like a week since you got here" they ran to the box. Many of the other boys were there too. Newt helped Alby open the box.
"Why don't you go get the person Gani" Alby said handing her a rope.
"Really? Why me?" Gani asked Alby, she didn't know who would be down there. Newt didn't seem to like the idea either.
"Ok" Gani said before Newt could but in. She grabbed the rope, and she jumped down into the box.
There was a boy there. He was sitting in the corner, he had his legs in his arms and his face was buried into them. Gani knew how she was greeted in the box. Gani's sensitive side decided it would take charge. She walked over to him and kneeled down to the boy. She put her hand on his shoulder. He looked up. He looked petrified.
"It's ok" Gani said to the boy, "My name's Gani."
The boy still looked very nervous. He was about her age, he had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Do you want to tell me your name?" Gani asked the boy. The boy just looked at her leg, he must have so many questions about everything, but Gani knew he wanted to know about the leg first.
"I lost my leg, I'm ok, don't worry, I'm the only one here without a body part." Gani said with a chuckle, "now what's your name" she said in a sensitive voice.
"My name is Thomas" he said, "why can't I remember anything else, where am I?" He asked.
"Let me show you" Gani said holding out a hand and standing up. He grabbed it reluctantly.
She grabbed the rope. Then she grabbed Thomas's waist and he stepped back just like she did when she was in the box.
"I'm just going to help you into the glade. That's going to be your home for a while" Gani said. He then grabbed onto her.
"Ok we're ready!" Gani yelled, as they were hoisted up.
Many of the boys faces looked happy it was a boy. They must think things are back to normal. The boy looked even more terrified. Gani looked at him, she put her hand on his back.
"Everyone this is Thomas!" Gani said.
"Well hello Greenie" Alby said coming up to him with an outstretched hand. He didn't take it he just stood there.
"I wasn't planning on you shaking my hand" Alby said with a chuckle, "the only person who's taken it was Gani." Gani was surprised.
Newt came over and stood next to Gani. He put his arm around her back.
"I'm Newt" he said "this will all get less confusing soon, hopefully"
Thomas looked absolutely terrified by now. None of the other boys seemed to care because they've probably seen hundreds of scared Greenies. But Gani cared. She knew it was hard to adjust. She walked over to Thomas.
"Hey Thomas?" He looked at her. "Do you want to talk?" Thomas nodded, and Gani lead him to a wall so they could lean against it. Thomas looked down.
"Hey Thomas, I know your scared but we are ok, as long as you stay in the glade."
"Why can't I remember anything?" Thomas asked.
"It happens to all of us, none of us remember anything." Gani replied. Newt came over to the wall.
"Hey Greenie! I'm Newt like I told you earlier, and I just came to see if your ok?" He squatted  down in front of both of them.
For a while Newt and Gani answered his questions and helped him feel as comfortable as he could his first day. Alby came over to take their places talking to Thomas so they could go eat. Once they sat down to eat Gani was so tired.
"Uh Newt are you ok?" Gani asked him, he just kept staring at the wall,
"Yeah it's just, the runners should be back by now. The doors are going to close in like a half hour."
Gani turned to look at the huge walls towering over the glade.
"I bet they're fine" Gani said looking at Newt who was still staring at the wall. Just then 4 runners came out of their side of the maze. But Minho wasn't one of them. Newt got up.
"Newt, where are you going?" Newt just kept walking. He didn't look back.
"Newt" Gani pleaded. They approached the wall. Newt looked out into the maze. He started biting his lip. They waited in silence for 20 minutes, some other boys started coming up to look out into the maze with Newt and Gani. Thomas was one of them.
"What's wrong?" Thomas asked.
"Minho is still in the maze and should have been back an hour ago." Newt answered.
"Then can't we send someone after him?" Thomas asked.
"It's against the rules" Gally said before anyone else could answer.
"Look!" Newt said pointing into the maze. The grinding of the walls closing for the night started.
"Oh no" Chuck said.
"Wait something is wrong" Gani said. Minho was limping he was screaming trying to keep going.
"No Newt!" Gani yelled as Newt ran to help Minho. The doors were closing. They weren't slowing down at all. The doors only had about 3 feet left until they were completely closed.
"They're not going to make it!" A boy yelled. Gani looked around and saw all the boys yelling, she remembered them tell her to never go into the maze. Two feet. Newt and Minho were desperately trying to get to the glade. 1 foot.
Gani darted into the maze squeezing herself through the walls. She could hear people yelling at her to stop but she kept going. And she squeezed into the maze in the last second, right before the doors completely closed behind her.

Gladers' girl (fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant