Chapter 14 (Recalling)

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"Last night you went completely crazy and started saying weird things!" Gani said, he sat up and turned to look at her, looking right into her eyes, his face was still scrunched up.
"What are you talking about" he said with his mouth open.
"Last night! You freaked out and got pissed at me, and started yelling, that it wasn't your fault, and you didn't do it" Gani said with the morning sun gleaming of her pale skin, "I don't know what in the world happened but you also had a fever and your heart was beating super quick, then you just stopped"
"Gani what is going on" Newt asked her, he started to look concerned.
"How am I supposed to know, I'm really confused and kinda concerned" Gani said putting her hand on his. He must have noticed because he smirked a little bit, but he didn't look down.
"All I remember was falling asleep next to you right under the the trees-wait"he said tuning back and forth real quick "why aren't we under the trees! That's where we fell asleep" Newt said looking now like he was sick because he now probably knows now, this was for sure not a joke.
"Like I told you last nigh-" Gani began, but before she could finish, Minho, Winston, Alby, and Gally came running over.
"Ok we have to talk" Gally said, and all of them came and sat down near them.
"Yeah we really do shuck face" Minho said to Newt.
"Yeah, we do" Alby said
"Ok thanks for the role call, guys do you want to begin" Gani said with a sarcastic look on her face, trying not to smile to much, Newt chuckled and looked down, because he must have known that statement was true too.
"Hey shut you trap" Minho said to Gani.
"Hey leave her alone, can't you take a bloody joke!" Newt said squeezing his fists together.
"Who cares, just talk" she said to the boys,"Newt I'm ok" she said with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face, her hand still on his "I'm a tough person".
"Fine then just tell me the bloody situation" Newt said to the other boys.
"Ok well, what happened last night" Winston said.
"I don't know" Newt said
"Don't try to hide anything! What happened to you!" Minho said with his arms folded.
"I don't know what happened Minho! Ok I'm not lying, I wouldn't have a motive to not tell you!" Newt said to Minho. Minho gave a look like he didn't buy it.
"You know what Minho believe me, don't believe me I don't care." Newt said putting his hands over his head.
"You expect me to believe that you don't remember something that happened last night!" Minho said.
"I told you everything I know" Newt said
"Fine I'll ask you later I don't what else to do." Minho said getting up and walking away, the others followed.
"I'm sorry for asking but what's happening between you and Minho." Gani said, and suddenly regretting asking that. But Newt just answered.
"I don't know, we used to be really close, but then since you got here he's been a pain. I don't know, it's fine" Newt said getting up and walking away.
Gani watched him walk away but she had something else to worry about. Her box that was left with her note. She looked down at it and looked at her leg she was wearing, thinking about how she couldn't run. She knew the creators had to make it that way on purpose, she knew they know how much she wants to be a runner, at least wanted to be a runner. But "crack the code"? What could that mean? Has to be something really important. It has to mean something that will help them survive or get out of the maze. The maze. That has to be it. Because cracking the code has to mean the maze's code.
Her leg. That's it. She knew being a runner was still possible! Her leg didn't work, so there has to be something in the box that will help fix her leg, or something to help her run. But why would the creators not just give it to her? Why did they give her this object to build? It was like they wanted her to figure it out on her own. Why would they need her to figure it out on her own?
"Hey G" Newt said coming back with 2 plates of eggs, bacon, and bagels.
She looked at him, then smiled, she liked that name.
"Hey" she said putting down the things she's been holding from the box. He placed a plate in front of her.
He sat down next to her and started eating his food.
"You eat like a disgusting pig" Gani said with a huge grin on her face.
"Hey you try being a boy for a day, you get praised for doing stuff like this." Newt said with his mouth full.
Gani just shook her head and grabbed her own plate. She started eating and started thinking about her next step to the box.

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