Chapter 21 (Holding on to hope)

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"Newt come on you have to run faster, what I would do for my bow and arrows right now!" Gani said
"I'm-I'm sorry, I just-nevermind" Newt said, Gani grabbed his arm and he came to an abrupt stop,
"Ow!" Newt said rubbing his arm.
"You're upset about Minho, I know" Gani said, she knew she must be sounding so stupid and stereotypical, "he can survive, I know he will"
"Gani you don't get it! Can't you see, we are helpless! We are the puppets and the puppet master is the people who put us here, and they can kill us with one push of a button." Newt's eyes had the most terrified she'd ever seen them before.
"Newt I've never been in the maze before, you have. Where is the best place to go" Gani tried to calm him down, but with Minho and them all being stuck in Newt's nightmare, she knew it wouldn't happen anytime soon.
"I don't know! I-" He said putting a hand through his hair, "I think we might need to-" he started saying but before he was finished he was looking over Gani's shoulder, she turned. A big blackish almost pink thing with spikes coming out of its bulging skin was sitting it was making a wailing that made Gani feel like death was less then a step away.
"Run, Run now!" Newt said, grabbing Gani's arm, Gani started running, she was actually faster then Newt but she stayed with him because she didn't know where to go.
"Is that a Griever?!" Gani said still running as fast as she could, with Newt, the Griever was still trailing them.
"Yes!" Newt said turning the corner quickly and then turned, he turned another corner, he kept going in a zigzag pattern.
"So what do we do!?!" Gani asked, the adrenaline pumping through her body quicker then she ever thought it could. Newt was much quicker then she thought he could run, he started going faster and which relived Gani, they needed to loose the Griever.
"Newt we have to do something!" Gani said, her side burning, the sounds of the Grievers wails were deafening, it was getting closer, they couldn't outrun it much longer.
"What do you suggest?!" Newt had to yell the noise was so loud, the Griever  was only feet away.
"This!" Gani yelled she grabbed Newt and ripped him over to the wall. He literally flew a bit and they both smacked against the wall. Newt has sweat beating down his face. The Griever kept going full speed, his metal spikes popped out of its skin, making a horrible screeching sound when it tried to stop. Gani knew they had no time to loose. She grabbed a vine from the wall,
"Newt start climbing now!" Newt looked at her, he looked to tired to go on but he grabbed the vine. Gani had to use only her arms because her leg would get tangled if she used it. They climbed up the vine and laid at the top of the wall in silence, they could hear the Griever passing, most likely looking for them. It didn't notice them, Gani couldn't believe it worked, it had to see them, but it didn't. They waited for a good 45 minutes in silence just in case. Gani let out a sigh, she was no longer out of breath. She turned her head to look at Newt, he was lying there next to her. He was staring into space.
"Are you ok?" Gani said quietly,
"I hate the maze" Newt said, "I hate it so much more then you would ever understand." There was anger growing in his eyes.
"Yeah" Gani said, she didn't know how to respond to that, she didn't know the maze like Newt.
"Newt, I thought you were the runner" Gani said with a smile, she wanted to lighten the mood, "but you were exhausted after our little run there"
"Well running as fast as you can for your life for like an hour will wear you down." Newt replied with a lightened voice. Gani sat up.
"We should find Minho"
Gani said getting up, her body didn't ache as much as she thought it would. Newt sat up too.
"What time do the doors open?" Gani asked Newt.
"I'd say around 7"
"And what time is it now?" Gani asked him
"It has to be after 2 I don't know though it's so dark"
"Ok well let's go find Minho" Gani said standing up and walking to get down the vine.
"If he's alive" Newt said staring into space.
"Newt, he's alive" Gani said trying to stay hopeful.
"I doubt it" Newt said.

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