Chapter 3 (Bow and Arrows, weapon of choice)

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Alby stepped up, and patted her in the back, interrupting her deep thought, he must have seen it when she stuttered because he steped back "Sorry, don't mean to interrupt your thinkin but, we have some work to do, first off... Picking a weapon." This is not at all what Gani thought he would say "Why do I need a weapon? I don't want to hurt anyone, why would they want to hurt me?". Alby chuckled, "you'll find out soon enough, don't want to scare you too much on your first day Greenie"
"I don't get scared easily" Gani said folding her arms. Alby was easily 1 for taller, and had way more strength then her physically, but mentally, she knew she had to be better then every person there, except for maybe Newt. He just seemed more advanced then them, like he knew something the other people didn't know.
"Ok well, let's find you a weapon" Alby said smacking his hands together. They went to a little hut, Alby took out a key out of his pocket then opened the door. "Ok Greenie so pick what you want but I'll give you a dagger just in case" he opened the door and went over to a chest and picked out 1 dagger. Weapons lined the wall from spears to machetes. "Can you tell me something? Just something about this place, I still don't know that much and what do I need a weapon for?"
Alby looked a little stunned "Most of the Greenies aren't to enthusiastic their first day, they just usually want to sit by themselves and think."
Gani looked at Alby to assure him that she really did want to know more.
"Ok well, first off you are going to have a person to hang out with show you the ropes that's going to be Chuck. He'll tell you what you need to know, and we also have a little surprise for you tonight, so does that answer enough right now, because you need to pick a weapon" Alby stood and looked at her, waiting for a response, "Fine, then I'll talk to someone later"
Then she turned and looked at the wall a little disappointed, "I'll take the bow and arrows"
"Good that" Alby replied "now let's go get to your surprise"

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