Chapter 13 (The Box)

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"What do you mean no?" Newt asked .
"I mean I still need to go into the maze, I want to get out of this place and I bet I could do it"
"No matter what, no! For the millionth time I don't want you to be hurt"
Minho ran over with another boy that Gani didn't know,
"Hey you shanks, we need to talk to you Gani" Minho said. Newt looked at her, his eyes had more water in then then usual, the tears hadn't come out but they were so close.
Minho grabbed Gani and the other boy also helped, as they started walking away from Newt. He stood there and stayed there until Gani couldn't see him anymore. They got to the box, and they all looked down,
"There's a box down there" Minho said, the box had writing on it, it said 'eht laiceps eno si eht ylno eno ohw nac kcarc eht edoc'
"We don't know what it says, Gally get down there and go get it would you" the boy who must be Gally jumped down.
"Why are you telling me about this?" Gani asked Minho,
"We've never seen something like this before, so it must have something to do with you because we've never seen a girl before" Gani just stared at him with a very sarcastic look. Gally came back up with the box, it was large.
"Here can I sit down" Gani asked Minho, he was still supporting her, he helped her sit on the ground.
"So what do we do" Minho said standing and running his hand through his hair.
"We open it duh" Gally said squating and starting to pry it open. Minho started to help, they finally opened it to see pieces of metal, bolts and plastic, and there was a note inside, it said the same thing that was on the box. Gani looked down in the hole, there was another box.
"There's another box" she pointed into the opening. Minho jumped down into the box to get it. He climbed back up and put it in front of Gani. When the box was opened Minho held his hand to his mouth.
"It's a leg" Gani said. It was 4 pieces of metal that was below the knee, the top part had cushion for the fake knee. Gani picked it up.
"It bends like a normal leg." She said moving the knee part and the bottom part. She put it on, it fit perfectly, like a mold was made of her leg after it was taken off.
"Well I'll be darned" Minho said with a smile "it fits!" She got up and stood steady for the first time since her leg was lost. She started walking, it was like having her leg back. She put her hands on her head and smiled,
"Oh my gosh I can walk" Gani laughed," I can walk! Oh my god" she started walking and it bent with her and was perfect.
"I'm going to try to run" Gani told Minho and Gally, both of them had their eyebrows raised and they both had smirks on their face.
As Gani tried to run it didn't work at all. The foot at the bottom of her prosthetic leg wouldn't work gradually, it only worked walking.
"Shit" Gani said kicking the box closest to her and sitting down putting her knees up to her body. She held them. She tried to hold in the tears. She couldn't be a runner. The creators did this on purpose so she couldn't run, she knew that was a fact, because a normal prosthetic leg should be able to work when she ran, maybe not fast but at least let her jog.
"Hey, you ok?" Minho said patting her back.
"Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to... Nevermind"
"Are you sure you're-"
"Yes I'm fine, ok" his hand left her back and she heard him walk away.
Then his hand was back on her.
"Look, I'm really ok"
"I'd say your bloody angry"
She turned around to see Newt standing there,
"Hey" he said sitting down next to her, "I thought I'd see you again tonight." The sun was setting by now.
"Hi, well I can't be a runner. So you should be happy"
"I'm not happy though"
"Why not?" Gani asked
"Because I know how much you want this, and if that makes you happy, then I guess that's better then you being unhappy and safe in the glade."
"Really" Gani said with a smirk on her face, "thanks, that takes a lot of courage"
"Well it takes courage to go into the maze" Newt said looking down
"So what's in that other box over there" he pointed.
"I don't know, it has a weird message on it"
"Well it's pretty late do you want to take the box and look look at it before you fall asleep.
"Good idea" Gani said to him
"I'm going to sleep somewhere I could see the stars" he said out of nowhere "it makes me think there her right next to me, because they are amazing and they could do anything they want, they are dreams" Gani just looked at him that was really deep, but Gani loves the stars too.
"I'd love to sleep under the stars too." Gani said staring into the nothingness in front of her.
"Stars can't shine without darkness" Newt said. Yeah they don't Gani thought, stars can't shine without the bad times.
"Yeah that's true" she said scooting in closer. Newt put his arm around her, and she put her head on his shoulder.
"Ok love birds here is Gani's box" Minho said as he walked over with the box.
"You know how to ruin the perfect moment don't you Minho" Newt said to him.
"Hey I'm just giving you your shucking box, relax" he said dropping the box and putting his arms up, he walked away.
Gani yawned. Newt must have noticed,
"You tired" he asked
"A little" she replied, Newt stood up and held out a hand, Gani grabbed it.
"Do you want to stay in the homestead?" Newt asked Gani.
"No not again" Gani said "but Minho thinks I'm not safe in the glade"
"Don't worry I'll stay with you" Newt said. They went to an overhead that was man made, and they had supplies, shoes, clothes, and sleeping bags. Newt handed her one. And he grabbed one for himself.
"So where to you want to dream?" Newt said smiling at Gani.
"What's your favorite spot?" She chuckled back.
"I like being right by the forest, you can look at the stars and no one else is usually there to bother me"
"Ok so let's go over there then" Gani said. And so they did, they walked over there and put there sleeping bags on the ground. Then Gani asked Newt if he could help her go get her box. After getting the box they sit back down on there sleeping bags.
"Ok so what's in it?" Newt asked, Gani opened the box. Same as before there was plastic metal bolts, and she also saw a rubber band. And of course the note. Newt started digging through the box.
"Wait look" he grabbed a pencil out of the box. Then Gani looked at the note she was given inside the box.
"It's a code" Gani said grabbing the paper and the pencil.
"What?" Newt asked
"There's a hidden message, and that's probably what it's going to instruct me to build."
Gani didn't waste anytime. She looked at the note again 'eht laiceps eno si eht ylno eno ohw nac kcarc eht edoc' she tried unscrambling, the words, that was wrong. Then she read the word backwards. Then wrote down everything she got 'The special one is the only one who can crack the code'. Newt's eyes got wider. Gani just stared, was she the special one, yes most likely, but Newt was special too, he's a deep thinker.
"So I guess that's for you Gani" Newt said. "You're going to have to build it, I don't know what it is but you're going to have to build it" Gani's brain was struck, she couldn't think about any of this right now, she'll sleep on it to think of what it might be.
"I think I'll try to figure out what it means tomorrow" Gani said. Then she started taking off her leg.
"Ok" Newt said starting to get into his sleeping bag. They also brought 2 extra blankets because it gets cold sometimes at night. Gani got in her sleeping bag too, she put her leg into the box with the parts she didn't know what built. Newt got closer to her, and put his arm in her hair and started stoking it like he did her first night. She curled up right on his chest. They had there chests facing each other. She put her head on his chest. Then he put his other arm around her. And she smiled and sleep started taking her before she knew it.
She woke up in the middle of the night to see Newt sitting up, with his head in his hands.
"Newt are you ok" she asked rubbing her eyes.
"No I'm not fine, I'm freaking out" he said now holding his legs to his chest.
"Why?" Gani asked concerned.
He looked at her and she saw veins in his neck. And he started changing. He looked at her, his eyes now full of anger and sadness.
"Someone is talking to me in my head, they are yelling at me, and there not giving up" Newt now started squeezing the sides of his head. Gani was confused, she doesn't understand him.
"Newt calm down" she said slowly, she put her arm on his back. But he hit it off.
"It needs to leave my head!" Newt got up and started to run,
"Newt! Stop!" Gani said and started to put her leg on, then she looked off at Newt to see someone tackle him. Gani walked as fast as she could over to Newt, Minho was the one who tackled him.
"What the shuck is happening!" Minho said pinning Newt's arms down, Newt was squeezing his eyes shut and moving his head back and forth.
"No! Stop get out! It's not my fault, I didn't do it!" Newt screamed,
"What the hell" Alby said, looking at Newt. Winston came running over quickly. Gani kneeled down next to Newt, she felt his chest.
"His heart is beating really fast, bad fast" Gani said
Minho put his hand on his chest, "oh shoot that isn't good"
"He has a fever too" Gani said feeling his head, he was sweating buckets. Newt kept saying things she didn't understand.
Then it stopped. He went still and started breathing steady.
"His heart is normal now" Gani said putting her hand on his chest, "he doesn't have a fever anymore." Gani said confused.
"Let's just let him sleep, we'll ask what happened to him in the morning" Minho said, then he laid Newt down, and let him relax.
Gani went and grabbed his sleeping bag, and she grabbed hers too. And she took a couple of trips so she could bring her box too.
She stayed awake and just watched him. She stroked his hair and thought of everything he's done for her, like when she couldn't sleep, he would stay with her. So she had to do the same. The sun came up around 2 hours later but Newt didn't wake up for at least 2 more hours after that. His eyes opened and looked up at her, she had her head about 1 and a half feet above his face, she looked concerned but she smiled, but Newt must have seen it in her eyes because he scrunched his eyebrows and frowned,
"What's wrong" Newt said, Gani looked at him surprised,
"Don't you remember what happened last night?" Gani said.
"What happened? Newt asked, and she could tell he had no idea.

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