Chapter 10 (The Battle)

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Gani thought that was a good idea, she didn't think Newt should go back into the maze.
"Ok I'll tell him" she said, Minho was 6 inches from her face, eyes looking into each other's. He smelled surprisingly good, like sweat and a husky smell she couldn't really explain.
"Ok, try to make him eat something, or at least drink something" he said still looking into her eyes. They looked concerned, she had never seen him this scared before. She could only remember the concern he had for her but it was nothing like this.
"Ok I'll be out in an hour" she grabbed the doorknob
"Wait" Minho grabbed her hand
"Can I go in first"
"Ok" Gani replied
Minho went into the room, and Gani cracked open the door ever so slightly, then she popped her head in to see Newt sitting on the bed with his back to the door.
"Newt" Gani said, he turned his head slowly, he looked at her, he still doesn't know about her leg, she hopped into the room, his eyes got a little wider, but those were the only muscles that moved. Minho was standing by his side. But then he left quickly. Gani hopped and sat down next to Newt. His head was in his hands.
"What happened" Newt asked, his voice cracked, probably because he hadn't talked in a while. Gani looked down, "Well um.. The arrow I used to climb the wall came down and shattered my knee so they had to take it off. It's fine, I'll be ok." She knew people would be mad at her if they knew she told him that but she can't tell a lie. She saw a tear drip off his hand, it glistened before it fell on the ground.
"It's my fault, I'm sorry Gani" his head was still in his hands. Gani needed to do something, she leaned closer to him and put her head on his shoulder, and tried to hold in her own tears.
"Gani I don't know what happened, I don't know what to do, I'm just so sad all the time, and I want it to stop" that statement felt like a spear covered in snake venom going through her heart. She wished it would stop too, she's never seen a full on happy Newt.
"I want it to stop too" Gani said, a tear escaping her eye before she could stop it.
"I can't talk to the other boys here, I did but they don't understand or they tell me I'm a sissy and to get over it" Newt turned to look at her, his eyes were puffy. Gani could see that he needed something. Something to get him through that moment. She reached over and put her arms around him, he didn't react at first, but then to her surprise, he turned to her and put her arms around her. He put his face into her shoulder, and she heard him take a deep breath, and she felt the tension leave his body.
And they sat like that for a good 20 minutes.
"Hey," Gani said separating herself from Newt,
"I need to tell you something"
"Ok" Newt said
"Your not going to be a runner anymore" Gani said. Newt's head was tilting down, but his eyes were looking at her face, there was the smallest smirk, on his face.
"Oh ok that's ok" Newt had the first hint of excitement in his voice for the first time in probably days. Gani got up and hopped to the bedside table, she grabbed the water. She got back to Newt.
"Here" Gani had the cup in her hand.
"Thanks" he said looking down, his face was unreadable. But he took a big swig of water, and Gani let out a sigh,
"Are you hungry?" Gani asked "because I'm starving, I haven't eaten in 5 days, I was sleeping"
"Can I be honest with you?" Newt asked "I'm starving too" and then he had a full on smile on his face. Gani looked at him and she started smiling just as much as him.
"Come on let's eat in he Glade" Gani said. To her surprise, Newt got up and held out his hand.

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