Chapter 24 (Injuries)

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Gani started waking up to see Newt was actually dragging her and Minho. She could see the sun was coming up. So he must be going to the glade. That's when Gani lost consciousness once again.

Gani came into consciousness now Newt was at the door, the door was opening, Gani saw some gladers with there hands over there mouth standing there.
"We need a medjack!!" Gani recognized Alby's voice.
Newt let go of both of them he fell to his knees, he threw up all over the ground, then he fell to the ground blood coming from his leg, a lot of blood, and just as he lost consciousness, Gani could see some boys run and start to grab them, just as Gani lost consciousness for a third time.

Gani woke up to see Jeff sitting next to her, her leg was sitting next to her bed leaning against the wall. Then she remembered Newt and Minho.
"What happened to Newt and Minho!" Gani said trying to sit up, of course Jeff made her lay back down,
"Gani we really have to stop meeting like this" he chuckled.
"So are they ok!" Gani asked nervous to know the answer.
All Jeff did was nod his head over her. She turned her head.
Newt was in the bed next to her, Minho was sitting up in the bed next to Newt. He was watching Gani.
She turned away.
"We're you able to save Minho's leg? And what happened to Newt? Is his leg ok? And who-"
"Whoa Gani! Your head got banged up pretty bad slow down! Ok yes Minho's leg is fine we put it in a cast. He woke up a little while ago.." He stopped and looked down and scratched the back of his neck.
"And Newt" Gani felt her stomach drop.
"Well, we- did the best we can but he lost so much more blood then Minho to be honest, and we are actually not sure if he'll wake up and if he does he's going to have a very bad limp on his leg."
Gani felt tears come to her eyes she put her fingers to her mouth her fingers were resting on her lips. She then cried. She just cried. It's the first time she had ever actually full blown cried. She didn't care, she loved Newt, and he might have just died for her.
Jeff put a hand on her leg, he looked at her sincerely, and nodded.
Thomas walked into the room. He came up to her and held her hand and sat on her bed. Jeff left the room.
"It's ok Gani" he said. Gani still didn't know Thomas that well but he came to see her?
"Hi Thomas" she said wiping away some of her tears.
"Uh Thomas?" Gani looked at him.
"Yeah" he said looking at her
"Why did you come to see me"
Thomas let out a sigh,
"Because this was in my pocket." He said grabbing a note from his pocket. There was 1 simple sentence on it.

                        The Girl is your sister.

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