Chapter 11 (The Battle is over?)

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Gani hoisted herself up and Newt supported her, they walked out of the room, they heard the boys talking in the room at the entrance.
They walked into the room together. The room fell silent. Alby and Minho stood up. Newt looked at them and smiled. Minho let out a sigh and sat down, Alby laughed back. One boy Gani didn't know came up to them,
"Glad to see you're back Newt" he said patting his back.
"Glad to see your battle is over" another boy said.
"Oh no" Newt said "my battle will never be over, I just need to be strong enough to fight it" he said it with no expression his eyebrows were raised though.
"Hold on a second, Gani can we talk to you?" Minho asked
"Ok" Gani said as Minho came and grabbed her, he brought her to the corner with Alby,
"What are you doing? Can we trust him, he's a ticking time bomb" Minho said. This made Gani feel infuriated,
"I saw something in him in that room that I've never seen in his eyes, and you think we should keep him locked up in a room, to mope around and become more depressed?! Well I know he's trying to get over things right now so we need to make everything be as normal as possible!" She looked him in the eyes.
"Well we are having people keep an eye on him. They will be watching him at a distance ok."
The fury was built up so much by now,
"No it's not ok" then she hopped to Newt and Gani left the room to go to get dinner.
Frypan was giving out some sort of beef stew.
They took there food and went to sit by the forest.
"Hey I'm sorry again about you know..." He motioned his head towards her leg.
"No it's ok" Gani replied.
"No it's not ok, your bloody leg is gone! And it's my fault" he looked down.
"No it's not your fault, I'll be ok,"
"Yeah well your not going to work around this shucking place in your... condition." Newt said
"Oh I'm not just going to work, I'm going to be a runner" she said, with the most determination in her voice since she got to the glade.
Newt just stared at her and put down his spoon.

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