Chapter 6(Its impossible to map the maze)

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Gani woke up in the morning to find Newt still holding her, and he hadn't fallen asleep, he was just looking at her.
"Good morning" Gani said rubbing her eyes and looking behind her to look at Newt leaning against the headboard.
"You feeling better" Newt asked, his eyes had bags under them, but she new he was hiding how tired he was for her sake.
"Yeah, thanks again know, staying with me"
"Yeah sure" he said getting out of bed and sitting on the other bed.
Alby came bursting into the room.
"Newt! Where the hell have you been! I've been looking for you all over the glade for hours! You were supposed to be out runnin hours ago! Let's go let's go let's go!! Get your shoes on and get out there!"
"Ok Alby I'll go into the bloody maze! Yes, like today will make any difference since a year ago when I got here! But yes I'll go into that maze and run to map nothing!" He stomped out of the room and slammed the door.
Gani has never seen him like that, she hadn't known him that long but the look on Alby's face showed that Alby was surprised at that reaction too.
"Ok then" Alby said with a surprised look on his face
"What was that?"
"Newts been acting weird for a few months now he doesn't talk to anyone much, and he's been moping around after his run. I really don't care as long as he is in the maze" Alby then sits on he other bed across from Gani
"So today I heard you were supposed to go in the maze. Well no way am I allowing that to happen. You are working in the glade. I can see you as a garden hand, so that's what you are doing today. Winston is the garden keeper so I'll bring you to him"
They left and found Winston by the garden.
After showing Gani how to pull weeds and get the potatoes the sat down for lunch.
"Your pretty dang good at this job I can see you doing this, I don't think you need to sample other jobs." Winston looked back at the garden. He has blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, and a few freckles. He was a very nice boy so she can see herself hanging out with him a lot. She got up going to the bathroom to go wash her hands cause they were covered in dirt. There was a mirror in there. She looked at herself to see that she had brown hair and brown eyes and her skin was perfect besides the fact that there was a bunch of dirt on it. She looked down quickly knowing now what she looked like she really didn't need to obsess over it. But she was pretty, beautiful actually. Her hair was pulled back that must have been what it has been like since the box.
She went back to Winston and he was sitting down eating his lunch. She sat there and was looking at the open wall. Minho came running through the door. And he fell to his knees, Alby was running to him. Gani snuck away and ran to Minho and Alby.
"What are you doing here!? Your supposed to be in the maze!"
"I was-supposed to meet-- Newt in a certain spot" he was talking through heavy breaths
"So where is he then?" Alby asked
"How in this shuck place am I supposed to know, I can't find him anywhere, I've been looking for him." Minho said
"Well that's not good" Alby responded
"yeah" Minho looked at Alby like he was the dumbest person on earth.
Gani looked around to see if she saw Newt anywhere.
"Oh my god" Minho said, with his eyes getting wider.
"What?" Alby said
"Newt is climbing the ivy on the wall"

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