Chapter 26 (Not the only one)

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Gani went to go get dinner after talking to Minho. She sat down at a table with her food then put her head down.
She could hear someone sit down across from her. She looked up.
"Are you ready to talk?" Thomas said looking at her as if this would be the best time.
"I guess" Gani said, she wasn't in the mood for anything but she needed to do it sometime.
"Gani you are the only girl here so obviously the note is referring to you." Thomas started with his hands together in front of him.
"Gani, your my sister"
"Thomas I know"
"We hadn't talked yet how would you know?"
"I don't know, I just thought you wouldn't lie to me because I'm pretty good at figuring that kind of stuff out" she said with a smirk," I like having a brother, to have someone like that here it's nice"
"Yeah I guess" Thomas said with a smile.
"So who do you think is older?" Gani asked
"I'd say I am" Thomas said as if reading her mind.
"I thought so too" Gani said
Thomas looked down and he had a look on his face as if he were disappointed in himself.
"Are you ok" Gani said standing up and going to sit next to him.
"Well it's just... Since I'm your big brother I need to protect you. From the boys here, the maze, Newt."
"Thomas I'm ok, don't worry that's not your responsibility"
"Yes Gani it is, it really is" he said looking at her.
"Thomas and about Newt, he would never hurt me, he's always tried to protect me"
Thomas raised one eyebrow, "Gani" he began "no I don't mean that way" this felt like a punch to the gut. Why was everyone worried about that! Everyone keeps saying these absurd things that are private and none of their business.
Gani jumped out of her seat"Thomas! Really? Did you really just tell me that? I can make my own choices and by the way, I'm not doing anything with Newt!" Gani yelled, a lot of the boys stopped eating and watched, the room was silent.
"Gani I'm sorry" Thomas said standing up putting his hand on her shoulder. Gani hit it off and ran out of the room. She saw her bow and her quiver hanging outside on a hook. She grabbed it and ran to the forest. She hated everything, she hated everyone! No one understood! She wanted Newt back, she wanted to be out of the glade, she wanted to live a freaking life!
Gani found a tree deep in the forest. She climbed it and sat on a branch that looks like it was made for sitting. She just sat there. For hours. And thought. She heard footsteps, she drew her weapon within a second once again like it was in her muscle memory.
"Whoa Gani! It's me!" Chuck said with a sandwich in his hand.
Gani climbed down the tree.
"I thought you might be hungry" Chuck said giving her the sandwich.
"Thanks Chuck" she said. They sat down on the log at the base of the tree.
"Are you ok Gani" Chuck asked her, he had concern I his eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine" Gani said looking at her fingers.
"You're a lousy lier" Chuck said chuckling a bit.
"Fine yes I'm just a little concerned" she said still looking down.
"Concerned that Newt isn't here to protect you from all the boys here" Chuck said, in a half sincere half joking voice.
Gani looked at him with a very sassy look, "No, because Newt is dying" then she added "and by the way I can beat any of these people, and I'm not joking" Gani said leaning back on the tree trunk.
"I know your not" Chuck said.
Gani looked down and smiled, she knew she could protect herself from the boys there. She loves Chuck, he just knows how to bring up a moment.
"Gani, Newt's going to be ok" Chuck said.
Gani just sat there she really didn't know if he would be ok.
Tears came to her eyes before she could stop them.
"And Gani?" Chuck said. She looked at him.
"It's ok to cry" He said, "it doesn't make you less of a person" he put his arm on her thigh, "we all know how strong you are, ever since you've got to the glade. And crying, shows you are even more human then anyone could think"
Gani felt a tear escape her eye. She cried again, she loves Newt so much she can't imagine living without him. Chuck put his arm around her. She heard more footsteps and Thomas came into view. She didn't stop crying, she didn't care anymore, everything seemed helpless. Thomas came over and sat on the other side of Gani, Chuck took his arm off her and rubbed her thigh. Thomas grabbed Gani and pulled her to his chest, she rested her head on his chest and he stroked her hair. He rubbed her back and kissed her head.
"It's ok Gani" Thomas whispered, "everything is going to be ok".
She closed her eyes. She just concentrated on the thumping of Thomas's heart. Chuck continued to rub her leg, they stayed like that for a while.
"Because we are here for you too" Thomas whispered.
Gani's eyes were still closed, but then she smiled, they did care. Even if they weren't Newt they were there for her.

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