Chapter 29 (The Boys)

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"Ok Love it's time to get up" Newt said.
"What?" Gani said still half asleep.
"It's time to go get breakfast and then I need to figure out some more details about Minho and Thomas."
"Uh ok" Gani said getting up and rubbing her eyes.
"Listen G, I'm going to talk to them by myself..."
"Uhhhh.." Gani said biting her top lip.
"Gani, it is really going to be a private conversation"
"whatever just just..." Gani said, "Good luck"
"Thanks Love"
"Don't beat anyone up ya hear" Gani says with a smile and wink.
"I'll try" Newt said.
Gani could hear in his voice that he was half joking, but she could tell, he was serious about beating someone up.
They both walk to breakfast, and sit down at there table. Thomas and Minho sit down too. Thomas was a little hesitant because he usually sits down next to Gani. Gani gives him a nod to sit across the table, her eyes were wide showing him it wasn't the time to intervene.
"So Love don't you need to go to work" Newt said.
"No not yet" Gani says with a smile.
Newt gave her a dumb look like she did that on purpose.
Yes of course she knew he wanted to talk to them!
"Gani" he says with his eyes open wide.
"Uh huh?" Gani said with a smile
"Gani get out" Newt said not playing the game anymore, but he did it in a joking way, so she thought it's ok.
"Newt, I should be here for part of this for sure" Gani said looking at him.
"No" Newt said standing his ground.
"Well listen here Sweetheart, I think I'm adult enough for this conversation" Gani said poking his nose.
She just wanted to get on his nerves because she knew he would give in sooner just to make her stop.
"Ok only a little while" Newt said.
They looked over at Thomas and Minho. Minho's head was on the table and Thomas's head was resting on his arm while the other one was hitting the top of his head with his cup.
Gani bit both of her lips trying not to laugh.
"See your so boring" Newt said looking at Gani.
"I'm boring?!?" Gani said taken aback.
"Ok Lovebirds! What the shuck are you doing!? Just talk you Slintheads!" Minho said.
"Fine! Newt just talk!" Gani said.
"Dude I was meaning to talk to you too" Thomas said looking at Newt.
"I've never met you so hi I'm Thomas" Thomas said looking at Newt.
"Nice to meet you Tommy" Newt said looking at Thomas.Thomas looked at him a little angry, even though Newt didn't say that in a bad way.
"Thomas" Gani said reaching across the table and grabbing his hand. She looked into his eyes telling him to clam down.
Gani went and sat next to Thomas.
"Newt will unleash a inner beast if you don't cooperate, please try to make this run smoothly." Gani said whispering into his ear.
Thomas wrapped an arm around Gani's back.
"Ok well I wanted to tell you that everything is fine between me and Gani Thomas." Newt said with his arms folded.
"What do you mean?" Thomas said
"I mean I will always keep her safe, and never do anything to hurt her"
Gani looked down and smiled.
"And Minho" Newt said looking at Minho, "I know you like Gani, you're my best friend and I knew that when You brought Gani up to the glade. So I don't know what to do about that, but I love Gani, so I don't know what to do"
"Newt well your a good friend of mine so I don't want you to break up with her over me, but I really don't want you to date her either." Minho said.
"Well I'm not going to stop dating her!" Newt said getting angry.
"I'm not saying you have too, I'm just saying think about it!" Minho said.
Newt got up "Minho no" Newt said shaking his head.
Minho gets up to even with his hurt leg, "do you know how much this is hurting me! How much it hurts to watch my love not be in my arms!" Minho yelled.
Newt looked at Minho obviously mad about that Minho said Love.
Newt went over to Minho and punched his jaw. Minho was smashed to the side, but he didn't fall. Minho swung and hit Newt in the face. Blood was dripping down Minho's mouth.
They were punching each other for a while.
"Stop!" Gani said "stop!" She threw herself between them. "You know I'm not the toy you both wanted and never got!" Gani yelled with tears trying to escape. Newt had a face of regret.
Gani ran out of the kitchen. She needed to be alone so she didn't know where else to go. She ran into the maze.

-hey guys! I've been trying to make myself write but I can't think of that much, I think with Gani bring in the maze will help me think of a story that will work! My teacher told me to make something bad happen to your character when you have writers block so that's what I did! Ok well I hope my writers block is over soon!


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