Chapter 35 (Heroes)

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"Minho" Gani said sitting next to him.
"I like you to but this is not the time, and I don't like you that way"
"I know it's not the time, I was just telling you the worst pain I've ever had" Minho said.
"Ok" Gani said. She got up and got a rag and wet it with water. She went to Minho and started wiping away the blood from under his ears.
"Minho you are one of my best friends" Gani said. She knew she didn't have much time till the herbs kicked in and he wouldn't be able to hear for a few hours. She's going to have to put more of the herbs in their ears again later.
"Gani I can't-" he touched his ears.
"I know your not going to be able to hear, for a while" Gani said.
She got up and went to Thomas. He had a look of pain on his face. She wiped away some of the blood dripping down his ear.
She bit her lip, he was in pain. She went to the cabinet with all the supplies. She looked around in there.
"Jeff!" Gani yelled, he was in the other room so she wanted him to hear her,
"Yes" he said coming into the room.
"Do you have any pain relievers?"
"No we ran out of this months supply"
Gani sighed, she looked around in the cabinet longer, she found something!
"Yes!" Gani said bringing out a jar of a plant.
"What?" Jeff said.
"Haven't you used Devil's Claw Root?" Gani asked.
"No it came up when we first got here but Clint and I never knew what it was for." Jeff said standing there with his arms crossed.
"It's a powerful pain reliever" Gani said looking at the jar, "but it's risky to use if you don't know how to use it, have to have the correct dose"
"How do you know that" Jeff asked
"I don't know how I know half the things here" Gani replied
"If you give them to much they'll get low blood pressure which could kill them, but I know how to use it." Gani said taking the plant out and smashing it. The jar it was in was full of a liquid.
Gani grabbed 3 new syringes as she liquified the plant. She filled up the syringes and brought one to Thomas. She stuck it in his arm. She put exactly 80 milligrams of it in him.
"This kind of pain reliever works really quick so it will only take about 5 minutes to start working." Gani told Jeff, teaching him how it works.
She went over to Minho, his eyes were closed, she knew he wouldn't want the pain reliever but he would heal quicker if he didn't have pain. She stuck it in his arm. He looked over at her, he actually seemed relieved but he didn't dare say it, probably he would loose his 'tough guy image'.
She walked to Newt, his eyes were open but she could see a tear come out of his eye. Gani put the syringe in his arm and gave him the pain reliever. She sat down on the bed next to him. She kissed his head. He smile and closed his eyes. Gani brushed the hair from his eyes. She stroked his hair until he fell asleep.
Gani got up to go and leave to go to get something to eat but she stopped.
She turned around and saw Minho with his back facing the door, he was laying on his side.
She walked over to him and sat down on his bed. She stoked his hair. She knew he needed it. That was his real pain reliever. He rolled over and looked at her. He laid on his back and looked at her. She kissed his cheek. He smirked, that brought her back to the maze.
She waited there till he fell asleep. Then she went to Thomas kissed his head, and left the room, hoping her 3 heroes would be ok.

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