Chapter 20 (Doing the right thing?)

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Gani took a gasp of air.
"What in this bloody place did you do that!" Newt said obviously terrified.
"I had to!" Gani said grabbing his hand.
"No you don't understand!" Newt said pulling away his hand"you know everyone who gets stuck out here at night has been killed! I don't think we will be the first to actually survive!" Newt said, Gani looked at him, he seemed to be more upset that Gani got stuck out there then he is about himself being out there.
"Dammit Gani!" Minho said,
"Look I couldn't leave you out here!" Gani said to Newt, "I couldn't leave you" Gani said tears starting to come to her eyes, she knew she must look like a coward but she didn't care, she knew she couldn't live without Newt.
Newt grabbed Gani quickly after she said that and he pulled her into an embrace. He put his hand on the back of her head and held onto her body tight.
Gani felt the tears come out of her eyes not because she was stuck out there, she was just happy that Newt cared and understood.
"Ok lovebirds, we have a little bit of a situation!" Minho said breaking up the moment, "the Grievers are probably already out and ready to kill us so that's really not good. Also I can't walk!" Minho said panicked.
"Yeah what happened?" Gani asked.
"The shucking Griever grabbed it and wouldn't let me go-" Minho began.
"Whoa wait, I thought Grievers only came out at night." Gani said
"No I said they always come out at night, that doesn't stop those bugging creatures from coming out during the day" Minho replied, "and by the way, we are literally dead"
"Wow way to bring up the spirit Minho" Newt said with a sarcastic look on his face.
"Ok everyone! We need to figure something out quick!" Gani said, "I have a feeling we are going to be running a lot tonight."
"Well then lucky you have your running leg on" Newt said.
"What are we going to do with Minho though?" Gani asked Newt.
"I don't know he's a big pain sometimes" Newt replied
"Well we can't just leave him" Gani said back.
"Uh guys, I'm still HERE!" Minho said on the ground with his arms folded. His hair was up in a sort of wave, which kinda made him look like a baby pouting on the ground.
"Oh sorry" Gani chuckled.
"I know" Newt said with no laugh at all. This made Gani bite both her lips trying desperately not to laugh.
"Ok well then what do you suggest we do with you?" Newt said with tension still behind his voice. He must still be angry about how Minho hurt him the day before, his eye was still black. But he did go after Minho, Gani remembered.
"I guess your gonna have to carry me, just like we were doing with Gani when you lost her leg." Minho said, he is pretty self centered sometimes.
"Ok king Minho, and when the grievers come to chase us, I'll make sure to jump in front of you" Newt said.
"Ok look just try and carry me, if you can't anymore then drop me and let me fend for myself. Just try! It's all we got." Minho said with his hands behind him holding him up. But his stare was serious, he really did mean it.
"Ok let's do-" Gani was interrupted by the blaring sound of screeching and a machine sounding grinding.
"Oh dang!" Minho said, "we need to move now!"
"Come on" Gani grabbed Minho under the arm. Newt grabbed Minho too.
A beetle blade scurried across the maze floor. It's eyes blood red. It stopped and stared at them. And then quickly ran off.
They continued going as fast as they could. The grinding of the Grievers were getting closer by the second.
"This isn't- working" Minho said between breathes, "you guys need to leave me"
"No,we-are not- leaving you." Gani said breathing heavily.
"You have to! You guys are going to die sooner if you keep carrying me" Minho replied fiercely. They set him against a wall. They were gasping for air.
"Come on Minho we can't" Newt said.
"I'm going to kill us all! You need to go, I'll do the best that I can to stay alive."
"Minho isn't there a place to hide-" Gani asked
"Listen here shuck face, there is nowhere to go!" He yelled.
"There really isn't Gani, every turn has its own obstacle" Newt said.
"Either you leave me or I kill you" Minho said.
Newt and Gani looked at each other.
The grinding noises and wailing became increasingly loud.
"Go Leave!" Minho yelled
"Minho we can't just-" Newt began,
"LEAVE!" Minho yelled, he wasn't going to give up on this fight, Gani knew he wanted her and Newt to at least have a chance to live. Gani didn't have a choice, she had to go. She looked at Minho sitting against the wall, sitting there as if given a death sentence. Gani went over to him and hugged him. She always kinda liked how brave he was. She didn't think he would hug her back but he did, he held on tight for a few seconds, but just as soon as it came he let go.
"Ok now leave!" Minho said making a motion with his hand.
"Bye Minho" Newt said in a saddening voice.
Then he grabbed Gani's arm and they started running to find a way to survive a night in the maze.

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