Chapter 3

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When we pulled away I noticed we were still blushing so I smiled. He then glanced at the clock and smiled.

"It's almost dinner time." he said and I smiled back. "Father will want to talk to you, he always does because of the delinquents thing." he said and I nodded. I understood what his father meant, I wouldn't want one of my well-raised children to get into the wrong crowd. Sebastian had mentioned earlier that he wanted snakebites, he'd look good with them though. When I opened my mouth to speak again his father's voice came from downstairs.

"Sebastian, come down here for a moment." he called and Sebastian kissed my cheek before quickly rushing out of the room.

Sebastian POV

When I made my way down the stairs I slowed down when I saw my mother and father sitting at the table while looking straight at me. I swallowed and sat in the chair across from them.

"Yes? What was it that you needed?" I asked politely, if they were angry I knew to be polite.

"Sebastian." I father said sounding angry. "Ciel is your project partner correct" he said and I nodded but didn't say anything. "He is your friend also?" he added and I once again nodded.

"Y-Yes, father. What is all of this about?" I asked nervously and he cleared his throat.

"Well, while one of the maids was out in the garden she happened to see a... strange sight. I didn't believe her so I told her to somehow get pictures of you two, and she did." he pushed some papers forward towards me which I soon realized were photos. Photos of me and Ciel When we were on my bed. There was only one thing going through my head. Oh shit.

"Why were you kissing Ciel?" Mother finally asked. I felt my face flush as I tried to explain why.

"W-Well... You see.... F-From that angle- Ok fine! I'm not lying! Ciel and I love each other and neither of you are going to change that!" I raised my voice and they looked at me with shock and anger showing on their faces.

"Sebastian Michaelis. We are demons. We get humans souls, not try and be with them! Just drop it and let him go!" he said although he lowered his voice for the demons part.

"Father. Mother." I stood from my chair. "I will not drop him. I love him and he loves me. So stop trying to pull us apart. It won't work." I said sternly and walked to the door. I paused in front of it but didn't face them.

"Bastards." I finished off with and slammed the door behind me. I walked back up and hugged Ciel tightly as he hugged back.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked softly. I pulled away enough to look at him as he rubbed my back.

"One of the maids.... Saw us kiss in the garden, my parents just confronted me about it and.... They said to leave you. I said no and stormed out." I said and I saw Ciel's expression change to shocked.

"Oh, Sebastian. I'm sorry. I should have said something earlier, I heard something break when we were in the garden." he said and looked down. I lifted up his chin.

"Hey, don't feel bad. It's not your fault, it's the damn maid's fault. Probably Hannah, the bitch." I said. My parents didn't appreciate me swearing either but I didn't give a damn. Ciel kissed my cheek and held both of my hands.

"It's my fault, Sebastian. You don't need to li-Mmph!" I kissed him before he could finish his sentence. He kissed back after a second and I cupped his face as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him onto my lap as he blushed and straddled my legs. He pulled away a moment later and was panting and blushing hard. I smiled and caressed his cheek. He moved forward on my lap and hugged my neck as I felt myself blush more as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Mmph~" it was a muffled, quiet moan from Ciel. I assumed he had bit his hand or something to muffle it. I smiled and pulled away to look at him as he smiled back and I moved him from my lap. He crossed his legs as he sat on my bed and I tilted my head curiously then realized why.

"Sorry." I said embarrassed and he blushed harder and nodded.

"It's ok... What's gonna happen at dinner? With your parents I mean." he responded and I honestly didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know..." Is all I could say. He nodded as if he understood and we kissed one more time before going downstairs to face my parents. We walked in and sat quietly next to each other as they looked at us.

"Sebastian. Ciel." my father nodded at both of us and we nodded back as we waited for his anger. "Your mother and I have talked." he turned to me. I nodded and grabbed Ciel's hand as he intertwined our fingers. We were both nervous. He sighed before continuing "..... We'll allow you to keep seeing each other." me and Ciel both looked at each other with relief. We hugged tightly and smiled. My mother cracked a smile, so did father.

"Just don't do anything too inappropriate." my mother added and we both blushed as we nodded. We ate dinner while my father 'interviewed' Ciel, asking him many questions. I guess they were fairly ok until one question.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked like it was nothing. Ciel, mother, and I all paused and looked at him.

"What?" he asked shrugging.

"Ciel, you don't have to answer that." I said and father slightly glared at me but continued with other questions.


After dinner it was about 7:30-ish and we both didn't know what to do. We walked back to my room and I started looking around for something to do.

"Oh! Bear!" I yelled quickly grabbing the black cat and picking him up. I turned towards Ciel and sat next to him on the bed. Ciel smiled and pet the top of Bear's head as I smiled and set him down. He leaned his head against my shoulder to which I leaned my head against his.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Ciel."

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