Chapter 27

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    As soon as raven black locks lifted off the pillow, energy seemed to course through the body. After waiting all day and night, he finally got to learn what the man was going to tell him. He acted and felt like a child, he amused himself at this realization as well. His parents would call him childish and tell him to man up probably. But, something about not knowing made everything all the more interesting. Maybe it was something meaningless, a joke. He smiled softly and rolled over, facing his lover.
    "Hey, Babe! Today we can- Oh...." He wasn't there. Sebastian still wasn't used to even knowing that, he missed holding the other close, cuddling and caressing him. He frowned and turned his head away, standing and no longer having the previous enthusiasm. He shuffled his way over to the closet and picked out an outfit, dressing quickly and rushing off to the small body of water from yesterday. As he made his way there, he started to feel even stranger about it, was he really going to trust a random man? Although.... If he were going to try anything, it would have been done yesterday. Hopefully. When his feet stepped to the edge of the pond his eyes glanced around before he let himself slip down to the ground and relax. As he drew in a breath allowing his lungs to expand full of air, the wind blew, making him shiver softly and open his eyes. As his lids opened, revealing his crimson orbs he was shocked to see the man had already arrived, a smirk already present on his face. He leaned closer, the boy backing away slightly before speaking.
    "H-How did you get here so fast?" He stuttered out, staring up at the larger male. It seemed as though that he had just appeared from thin air, traveling with the wind and being dropped off. He chuckled, the sound let off a sinister vibe before he grabbed the younger's arm. He was pulled up and practically dragged along until he got his feet to actually move with him. The smaller put up a fight, struggling slightly yet trying not to be overly rude. "H-Hey-"
    "As I said yesterday.... I have some.... Information that could be useful to you..." He trailed off, continuing to lead the boy somewhere. He followed, however cautiously, nodding at the sentence. "Well..... It's best that you don't be surprised.... Thats all I can day for now.... Just follow me and keep up... You can call me Undertaker by the way..." His voice was stern yet not threatening. This man was... Different, the demon didn't know what it was but something made him different. It wasn't just his personality though, it was his being. It seemed to give off a warning aura, yet the other didn't listen.
    "Can't you tell me anything on the way there?" The boy spoke up, pausing at the same time the man stopped to face him. He hesitated a moment before he spoke.
    "Your lover.... Well.... Before he ended his life did he ever act strangely?" He questioned, sounding curious with a slight hint of worry laced in.
    "He... He said there was something inside him, it didnt belong there.... " the raven mumbled, eyes squinting in confusion. "Why?" He asked softly. Once again the gray-haired man froze. He then drew in a deep breath.
    "..... He wasnt wrong.... There was a little one in there.... But it wasn't yours, and it hadn't really started forming yet." To show his meaning a hand traveled to his own stomach, landing over a strand of hair. "It was passed to a new family." And with that he continued walking. The demon's eyes widened, leaving him staring at the quickly shrinking man as the words fought to process. Little one? Ciel was... Pregnant? And it wasnt Sebastian's.... He shook his head, pushing away his tough thoughs before running after Undertaker. After a few moments they arrived at a small little building, the sign being crooked yet not seeming to actually have anything on it anyway. Both males stepped inside, door being shut and locked afterwards before they walked deeper through the dusty little rooms. The raven was led to the very back of the shack where he looked around, suddenly feeling entirely uneasy about this. In the corner lay serious coffins, some with the lid partially open, man, this guy was a creep.
    "Well.... We're here... W-What were you going to tell me?" He looked around more, trying not to look as nervous as he felt. Undertaker chuckled, raising his hands to reveal long black painted nails before closing in on the nervous one. He covered his eyes and leaned down, whispering in his ear.
    "Now, close your eyes like a good boy...." In all honesty, the boy felt like he should be terrified, he shook slightly as he nodded and the hands were pulled away. He heard shuffling and something open as it squeaked. How bad he wanted to open his eyes, but he didnt want to know what happened if he did too soon. As soon as he was about to speak the man's voice spoke up. "Turn around and slowly open your eyes to reveal your prize ~" he laughed a bit after that, now sounding as if he was behind Sebastian. As said boy slowly turned around and let his eyes open, he was greeted with a shocking scene. His mouth hung open as a giggle filled the air, then followed by a voice like velvet. It sounded like it was laced with seduction as well.
    "Hello, Lover~ Didn't you miss me so~"

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