Chapter 18

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    A small chuckle came from the other's lips before he gently help the other stand from the now unmade bed, gently hugging his waist before beginning to dress them both, obviously in new clothes. Doing so, however, reminded him that they must purchase the blue haired boy new clothes soon, as there simply weren't enough clothes for the both of them now that they lived together. The smaller whinced and tightened his grip on the broad shoulders as the pain increased now that he was standing. As soon as he was the dressed, he flopped back, slightly bouncing back up before his body finally settled with a small thus against the mattress, now covered in soiled sheets. He groaned as he hit them, making a small sound of disgust afterward. He raised one arm up to cover his eyes, sighing in soft content afterwards.
    "We really need to-" suddenly, soft lips collided with his making a small blush creep onto his face as he kissed back, putting his arms around the other male's neck. Both boys relaxed at each others' touch before they heard a knock at the door, pulling away a bit quick before the raven rushed to open it now that he was dressed.
    "Hi, Sweetie. Was everything alright when we were gone?" His mother greeted them with a soft smile, already dressed. He smiled up at her slightly nodded before speaking.
    "Yeah, we had a long night playing a game.. " he grinned a bit as the other sat up almost instantly to look at him. Pain instantly showed itself on his face as he moved to hand to his back, biting his lip hard.
    "Oh? What game?" She asked, smiling a bit more and leaning against the door frame and eyeing him curiously.
    "Monopoly." He replied almost instantly, she giggled a bit and kissed his forehead softly before standing straight once again.
    "Ok, Sweetie. Well I have to go to work now. I'll be home around 5, you're father will be home around the same time." The young boy once again nodded before she left, closing the door at the same time. The Phantomhive boy faced his lover, glaring slightly before managing to lift himself back to a standing position. To which he limped his way to the other male, gently slapping his cheek before leaning entirely against him.
    "You're an ass...." He mumbled into the dark shirt, the other letting out a small laugh before gently lifting him up.
    "I know, but you love me anyway." The reply was soft as he hugged the smaller to his chest.
    Later that day, when Ciel had managed to walk semi-normally, they decided to go into town. Each brought about five dollars for themselves, figuring it could buy them sodas and a snack if they got hungry. When they first started walking it was quiet, eventually leading the blue haired boy to ask a question that seemed to surprise the other.
    "Sebastian.... If.... You're a demon and you've been alive for so long...." He began fidgeting, looking either down or to the other side. He couldn't bring himself to actually face the other. "Doesn't that mean you've had past lovers...? I'm not you're first was I?" He frowned, stopping them entirely, the other quickly grabbing his shoulders and making him look into his own crimson eyes. They stared at each other for awhile, as the blue orbs slowly got surrounded with tears at the silence. "Answer me!!"
    "No! You were my first..... I never gave myself to anyone, plus you've seen how my parents are. All the way until this year I was concerned..... I dont care what they think anymore and I only love one person." Quickly, his arms wrapped around the petite waist and pulled him against his own chest, hugging him tightly. "You."

(Short but I'm typing in school so.... Yeah! I'll probably update again though)

It Must Be Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें