Thing I was Tagged To Do!

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Well, xFanFicxGirlx has asked me to do this so I will!

Single? No

Crushing? No

Favorite Food? Anything meat!

Favorite Color? Black, White, Hot Pink, Purple, Blue

Favorite Music? Many kinds! Rock, Screamo, Techno, Pop, Dubstep etc.

Favorite Band? Black Veil Brides

In Love? Yes! Very much! <3 (You know who you are ;)

Hobbies? Drawing, Typing, Singing, and Volleyball

Gamer? Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes.

Swag/Emo/Scene? Yes

Long Or short Hair? Short, very...

Height? 5'2

Jacket Or Hoodie? Hoodie

Eye Color? Dark Blue

Hair Color? Black

Shirt Color? Grey with dark grey, black, and white stripes

Jeans Or Shorts? Shorts, definitely.

Getting Married? Not yet


Get Divorced? If the person isn't too bad then no

Still Wet The Bed? Never have

Had Or Have Depression? No

Daydream? Not really

Thought Of Food? It's  AMAZING

Someone You Love? xFanFicxGirlx

Someone You Hate?..... Can't say names.... but people might know who they are

Dream Job? Many

Got Tattoos? Nope. Want one.

Got Piercings? My Ears

Worst Day Of Your Life? Not that I can remember.... Off the top of my head

Best Day Of Your Life? Umm.... Going to Boldt Castle as a kid

Biggest Fear? Spiders, and heights

Biggest Insecurity? My Looks

Anyone who reads this has to do it!! Although DriftingDreamer should do it....

It Must Be FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora