Chapter 25

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    As Sebastian made his way down to the kitchen, his father's words wouldn't leave his head. It was like a song that gets stuck in your brain, replaying over and over again. He continued to try and shake them away as he made his food but he just couldn't.
    'He's a human! He'll die and you'll have to go through the heartbreak...' Those two sentences wouldn't leave his head. Its starting to piss him off. As he growled and viciously cut his sandwich into two pieces he made his way into the living room, deciding it was best to not enter the bedroom while the other slept. He definitely didn't want to wake the other after what happened earlier. He knew that eventually he wouldn't have the tantrums every waking moment but he still felt pain knowing all this was essentially his fault. Not only that, but part of him feared to be in the other room, as if he was afraid for his own sanity as well. He wasn't worried about himself it just felt as though.... Eventually Ciel would realize everything was his fault. He knew it sounded selfish but he didnt want to lose him even if he had caused him to get hurt. He sighed at his troubling thoughts and slowly began to force feed himself, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. He had honestly started feeling sick to his stomach. Little did he know what was happening behind their closed door.
    By now, Ciel had awoken however not with a fright this time even though he still felt off. He knew he wasnt crazy, there was something wrong, something inside of him. It couldn't be there, it shouldnt be there. He slowly and quietly rose from the mattress, stalking his way over to the door before gently turning the knob and closing the door, it didn't even click. He then reached up again and turned the lock, making sure it was secure. His attention then turned to his backpack where he rushed to, grabbing a notebook and pencil then quickly flipped the page and began writing. He didn't consider it long yet others may. He had loved writing his entire life no matter what it was for or about. When the note was finished, it lay open on the bed, not extremly noticeable but just enough. It was then that he quickly yet quietly crawled to the bathroom, seeming to run on all fours to the door. At that moment he was extremely thankful for the connected bathroom. As soon as he entered he yet again shut and locked the door. As he quickly began to search the bathroom, various items got knocked onto the cold tile floor. He whimpered softly before standing on the closed toilet lid then reaching up into the cabinet above it. It was then that his hand grasped exactly what he looked for. As he pulled out the razor he lightly brushed his fingers over the various unused blades. He then sat exactly where he stood, bashing it roughly against the vanity next to him. The plastic made a loud shattering noise as it burst, the items in need flying to multiple different places. The one closest by lay beside the boy's foot, to which he quickly slid onto the floor and grabbed it. Immediately his hand flew to his wrist, quickly pressing the tip of the blade into it and dragging downwards. The soft flesh instantly spread, leaving a deep cut that quickly poured blood. Ciel wouldn't lie, it did hurt but he knew it was the only way, the only way. He then continued to make horizontal cuts, dragging the razor across in quick jagged motions, slowly becoming more shakey as more and more blood flowed from the wounds. Eventually, the razor slipped from the now blood stained hand, falling to the floor and making a small clatter. The blood slowly dripped down from his arm, to his thigh, and finally, onto the floor mat to which he sat upon. His breaths were jagged as his lids slowly closed.
    By now the other male had finished eating and has stood, beginning to make ha way to the bedroom. As he neared the door, he noticed it was entirely closed. He specifically left it open slightly so he could hear his lover if it was needed. He quickened his pace until he reached the door, grabbing the knob and attempting to open the door. His worry only grew when he realized it was locked. He continued to push against it and jiggle the knob hoping to get in.
    "Ciel! Baby, please let me in...." He begged, hoping the other would answer, however when he didnt he mustered up enough strength to burst through the door, having a few pieces chip off as it fell to the carpet. As he gazed around the room he could see his lover. However, his eyes did focus on something on the bed but that wasn't important now. As he began searching the room he turned his head and saw that the bathroom door had been shut as well. His relief grew at the realization that Ciel must be behind the door, he had probably just had another tantrum and felt more safe somewhere else. He once again took a few steps back before running at the door, making it tumble to the ground once again. As he turned his head with a small smile upon his face he then saw the gruesome sight in the corner of the small room. His smile fell, replaced by an agape mouth and shocked, broken eyes. Tears instantly stung as they welled up and quickly began to overflow. His feet seemed to move on their own, rushing to Ciel's side where he was raised up and held bridal style, being rushed out of the bathroom. As he was laid on the bed, his breathing was extremely slow, his flesh still bleeding. The demon knew he could only heal him slightly, his powers not being at heir highest yet. His hand reached for the other's arm, covering as many of he cuts as possible before pressing down on them, allowing some of his health to almost seep into the wounds. His other hand flew to his phone, grabbing it and dialing 911. The call was quick and frantic, only lasting perhaps a minute before they were on their way. As the phone was dropped both hands moved to the cuts, attempting to close them completely. Sebastian's tears continued to fall, momentarily blinding him every now and then.
    "Ciel...! Ciel please.... Ciel I need you.... Dont leave me...." He whimpered out when his arm wouldn't heal anymore. The limp body was hugged against his chest, face buried into the blunette's neck. "Ciel... I can't lose you.... It was supposed to be forever!"

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