Chapter 20

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    A sharp gasp broke through the afternoon silence as the boy halted to a stop and froze, slowly letting his hand slide down to his stomach, instantly feeling the warm liquid through his shirt. He panted and stumbled, tumbling down to his knees and collapsing.
    "Sebastian!!" A pained scream rose from Ciel's scratched throat, it hurt to make any noise but he was far from worrying about his own pain. Gun still flowed from the gun, as the shot still faintly echoed through the heavy silence. Hot tears streamed down the blunette's face as he was let go for a moment, quickly scrambling over to his damaged lover. He only cried louder as he saw the wound that now bled freely, making a puddle appear underneath the other teen. His eyes had returned to their normal red color, but it only got duller as his eyes continued to slowly open then drift back closed. "S-Sebastian.... N-No... You were supposed to stay with me forever.... You were gonna be my always..... Please you can't leave me..." His words were stuttered and broken. He gently laid his head down on the other's chest, embracing him gently as he slowly felt heavy arms go around him.
    "And you.... Were going to be mine.... Listen... You gotta..... You can get through this... Be strong for me... I love you..." The sentence was slow and long but it all seemed to short for the smaller boy who whimpered when the other fell silent with his lids fluttering shut again. He grabbed the stained shirt and gently shook the other, begging him to wake up. But to no avail, this battle was lost. He whimpered loud once again before he was yanked back by the back of his shirt, he could hear a few stitches pull and tear.
    "No! Let me go! You pervert!" He yelled loudly, struggling hard against the much stronger man. He was suddenly slammed against the brick wall, his head snapping back against it. The wound bled as the owner Noe blinked slowly, feeling dizzy.
    "Now, now. Don't fuss, My Precious~ Come now~"
    The gunshot had been reported by numerous people close by as there was no reason to hear them within the town. It took awhile but when police were finally able to locate where it came from, the scene they saw baffled them. Even the sheriff who had worked for the station for almost 40 years now, had never seen something so curious. A crimson scream ran off the much larger puddle, not getting very far until it lined a nearby wall, the bullet still remained near the center. However.... They couldn't understand why their were footsteps leading from it, and how they suddenly stopped. Perhaps all of this was some sadistic prank? Perhaps something supernatural truly had happened. Ah yes. Dead Man Walking indeed.
    The blue haired boy slowly raised his head back up, the bruises around his eyes being shown entirely along with the trickle of blood down from his nose. He whimpered softly at the pressure he felt pounding through his head when he sat up. His eyes slowly moved from object to object around the small room he was encased within. As he went to lift himself from the floor he felt heavy chains around his wrists and heard them clank against each other. He mustered up enough strength to lift his body up enough in order to shuffle away from the wall as far as possible until he felt the chains pull him back. His muscles tensed before he let himself fall back onto the now cold floor. As he laid there he suddenly remembered what had happened earlier. Sebastian. He sniffled and bit his lips hard to keep the tears back. As he took in a shaky breath he heard the scraping of a door as light slowly slid into the room, the ray getting larger and larger until the door was fully open. The larger man stepped inside, clicking on the lights and shutting the door behind him. A grin stuck to his lips, giving off a sinister feel as he slowly moved closer to the now shaking boy. He shook his head viciously, backing up as far as possible until he backed into the corner nearest to him. Cold fingers trailed up the milky skin then slowly wrapped around the thin throat.
    "Do you have any idea what I could do to you right now...." He whispered, his voice absolutely creeped the boy out, gave him chills even. He shivered and turned his head away, making the man chuckle before leaning closer, his lips dangerously close to the quivering ones beneath him. "It's best to just give in..."

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