Chapter 32

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    After they had gotten the man to finally back off their case, the quickly headed to their shared bed. Perhaps, they had planned intimacy perhaps not. However, by now, lust seemed to practically drip from them, making each other somehow even more turned on. The blunette was lightly tossed onto the mattress, hearing a light creek from the springs beneath him as the other crawled above him. However, a small smirk graced his face before he roughly grabbed the other's shirt collar and flipped them over. Instantly, wrists were pinned down and a confused look crossed the raven's face. He stared up at his lover who continued to grin and lick his lips, as if planning something mischievous.
    "Baby.... What are you doing?" His voice was soft yet demanding at the same time, both were horny and this was no exception. The other let out a giggle before quickly stripping the shirt beneath him. The cold air hit Sebastian's chest, making him shiver at the sudden change.
    "Well, I think tonight is a good night to try something new...." He replied softly, slowly dragging a sharp nail down the middle of his lover's chest. A small shudder ran through said boy as he swallowed and furrowed his brows slightly.
    "Like what...?" The question was a bit hesitant and timid. Who knew what Ciel could be like now that he was a reaper? He had made his lover blush when he first came out of the coffin. Who said he couldn't do it now? Green eyes traveled down the body of their prey, scanning every inch it could before the owner licked his lips and quickly begun undressing himself and the other quickly. A blush dusted across the demon who bit his lip slightly. As he went to speak, a hand was clasped over his mouth tightly, although, he found himself leaning against it slightly.
    "I'm in control this time.... Any arguments about it and we'll stop. Do you understand me?" His hand was removed for a moment to let the other speak.
    "B-But-" And clasped again.
    "Do. You. Understand?" The words were repeated again, more stern this time. The other's eyes widened before he blushed and nodded slowly, leaning against the hand again. A small chuckle filled the air before both were suddenly entirely uncovered, no clothing holding them back any longer. Sebastian felt cold fingertips drag up his bare skin all the way until they stopped at his mouth.
    "Open up, Pretty Boy. And wet them good." Once again blushing at the words, pale lips parted and welcomed the digits. He spent a few moments on each one, making sure it was wet enough that it would work easily yet not so slobberly it was disgusting. He already knew what this for and he had to admit, he was nervous. Yes, he had seen it before obviously and saw how Ciel had reacted along with wondering how it would feel for himself. But, he felt as though nothing could prepare him. He loved this boy very much and trusted him entirely but how bad would it hurt? How long does it take to feel good? He must have looked distressed because the reaper, not breaking his tough stance, looked at him and caressed a blushing cheek while keeping his fingers in place.
    "Don't worry so much. I'll prepare you well so that it doesn't hurt that much. Alright, Pretty Boy?" And with a shy nod, the fingers were pulled from the wet cavern, making a small 'pop' sound before they were gently dragged along warm thighs. Ciel smirked softly and winked at the one beneath him before gently pushing one digit into the desperate boy. He didn't really have much of a reaction other than blushing and biting his lip. It didnt hurt nor did it feel pleasurable it just felt strange to him. The other took a small breath before slowly adding a second and beginning to gently scissor them. This time his top row of teeth sank into his lower lip harder as the burn increased at the larger stretch. He took a deep breath and calmed his muscles before allowing his gaze to travel to his lover. A grin had settled on his face as he also stared at the now submissive boy. As soon as their eyes met, crimson ones darted away as the blush continued to get closer to their color. After a few moments of soft panting he finally felt the third, and final, digit be pushed into him. He let out a tiny noise, no one would have been able to decipher what it was, yet after he tried to calm his muscles again. By now a few minutes had passed and the bluenetfe decided that his lover was now prepared enough. He gently slipped his fingers out before putting the other's slightly shaking legs around his own waist. He lined himself up before gently letting his hands glide up the other's sides, all the way until he reached his hands. Their fingers were intertwined before the dominant took in a breath and began pushing himself in. As the head was slowly nudged in, the demon let out a gasp as his back unconsciously arched. His cheeks finally blushed to the dark crimson that accompanied his eyes as tears welled in them. Pants continued to slip past his parted rosy lips as he felt himself slowly becoming absolutely full. When the other was entirely sheathed within the tight heat he allowed himself to take a deep breath, staring down at the other. His cheeks were flushed, eyes half closed with a few tears escaping them. His mouth also hung open slightly, letting him breath freely. The tears were gently wiped away before Ciel spoke. His voice was slightly shakey due to the tightness around him.
    "I'm going to start moving, Baby.... You need me to stop just say..." He panted softly. Quickly, his lips were pressed against the others, distracting him for a moment as hips were pulled back then snapped forwards a bit quickly. Sebastian let out a whimper slightly mixing in with a soft moan at the sudden wave of pleasure. The noise was delivered almost right to the back of Ciel's throat, their lips still being connected. His back remained arched as another thrust was delivered. However, it was mostly a moan that left his mouth this time. The other grinned and drank up every sound that left the other boy's mouth. The pace and amount of force he used increased a bit suddenly along with his hips unconsciously being angled. Suddenly, the raven tightened dangerously around him and went breathless. Pleasure had just coursed through everyone of his veins, rendering his mind blank and body limp for a moment.
    "Ah~ Ciel....~" His voice was breathless and airy. It sounded almost entirely wanton, being high pitch and whiny. In all honesty, it sounded a bit like the mewl of a cat. The other's eyes widened for a moment at this. Who could have guessed that Sebastian Michaelis, a demon, would ever look and act like this? As soon as the green eyed boy was snapped from his thoughts he thrust like that again. And again, and again. He kept hitting that special spot into the boy who's body twisted and writhed in so many ways at the new found pleasure. His legs tightened around the thin hips almost dangerously, his hands pulling away from the other's, in favor of dragging it's nails down the clear skin of Ciel's back. Sadly, the bliss felt short lived as suddenly, he once again tightened dangerously tight and with one final squeal released onto his and Ciel's chest. The other let out a growl as his own release neared. He dug his nails tightly into the hips beneath him and began thrusting as powerfully as he could. The other clung to him numbly, just letting out little screams of pleasure as he was too far gone to do anything. Eventually, his seed had burst, entirely filling up Sebastian who just panted and collapsed back onto the pillows. As he stared up at the other, chest heaving a little droplets of sweat rolling down his neck and chest he sniffles slightly and held out his arms as they shook. The other smiled softly and gently removed himself before hugged the other's waist, pulling him tightly against himself. They didn't mind the panting more the sweat, not even the scent bothered them. All they cared about was each other.

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