Chapter 29

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    As the boy slowly stumbled from the small wooden structure he giggled a bit before a smirk settled on his lips. The door slowly creaked back close behind him, letting a short silence fill the air. He stared directly at the now confused other boy who stared back. He didnt know whether to run or hug the one in front of him. It felt like it had been so, so long....
    "What, are you scared Babe~?" A small pout replaced the smirk as he walked forward and gently cupped cheeks that blushed softly. Everyone would agree that at this moment in time he was much more bold, being the one to initiate things. Perhaps, that's one of the perks that comes with this, although it was never mentioned. As Sebastian took this situation more into mind he took the other's appearance into account. His hair had seem to lost a bit of it's blueish hue, becoming more grey yet it still looked well with him. He wore tattered shorts, having ties up the sides, high heeled boots, and a long sleeve shirt. The shirt was striped with black and white and the heels went just above his knees, being black in color with a thicker heel. The thing that really caught his attention though, was that one sleeve was pushed up, being replaced by a lace glove. His arm that housed the cuts. All together he looked.... Well, fucking amazing, to put it bluntly. Sebastian was sure that he would have pounced on the other had they not been in this situation. Well... And in front of a grown man. It was then that he realized how long he had been silent for, quickly stuttering out a response.
    "I'm not scared... But..." And when he blinked and looked at him again, he lunged forward. Instantly pulling the other into a tight embrace. Despite his new act, Ciel hugged back tightly as well, a few tear managing to roll down his cheek. As he pulled away, a small gasp rose from his throat when a leg pressed between his legs, bouncing him up once so his legs then spread and went to rest around Sebastian's waist. Although the sudden movement surprised him, he greatly welcomed it and looked at his lover. As they stared at each other, the demon was surprised to see a pair of beautifully, bright green eyes staring back at him. Although he had grown used to seeing Ciel with sparkling blue eyes, he actually very much liked the color. They didn't realize it then self but both teens had become panting lightly as they looked at each other.
    Well, that was, until the raven took control of the situation, suddenly pinning the other to the wall by his wrists. He gasped yet it was quickly muffled and turned into a small moans as lips were pressed together, quickly spreading and allowing tongues to collide. By now, the gray haired man had shook his head and left the room, allowing the door to shut.
    "S-Sebas- Mmm~" he was pulled in for another deep kiss, instantly accepting yet this time was different. Not only was it different because of how much love was encased within it, so much desperation, love, and commitment in one kiss, but this time, their tears mixed. When they departed again, the green eyed boy let out a soft laugh.
    "You're crying....." He whispered, the other nodding and also smiling a bit.
    "So are you.... Fuck, it's.... I missed you so bad.... Every night I laid there for hours and stared at the ceiling... I-I.... I wanted to die, I wanted to be with you. It was the worse experience in my life and in case I haven't said it enough I- Mmph!" This time it was the raven who was pulled into the kiss, silencing him as thin legs tightened and pressed their hips together tighter. Both let out a breath at this, the desperation grew stronger. However, as shaking hands moved down to tug down black shorts, they were gently grasped, mouths also departing.
    "I love you too.... Forever and always.... I love when you say it but I don't want you to feel guilty if you forget..... I'm... I'm sorry I was like that... I shouldn't.... It was so stupid and I hurt you so bad.... I'm sorry... But... I'm here now. I promise." He whispered, letting his hands travel over any skin he could touch. Both still couldn't believe they were together again, finally and eternally even.
    And, for the third time in the last 10 minutes, their lips molded again.

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