Chapter 24

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    Sebastian screamed at his father, catching him off guard as he jumped, sitting up straight and dropping his pen onto the flood. He then glared at his son, his own eyes locking with the others'.
    "What did you just say to me?" He demanded. By now he had readied himself to stand up, so he would tower above the other.
    "I said: 'You see what fucking happens when you don't help?!'" He repeated, somehow even more angry than before. His hands were quickly slammed down onto the desk, the wood seemed to almost ship at the sudden force. The wine colored orbs had begun to possess their demonic magenta and glowing hue, making him seem more like the one in charge.
    "And what do you mean by that?" The older man countered yet didnt break his strong glare.
    "It means you're a fucking monster! A disgrace! We may not supposed to love humans but at least I protect and care about my lover!"
    "Oh? Is that-"
    "No! Shut your mouth! He's fucking damaged now!! All because you wouldn't help me when I needed it! What happened to helping family? When did you stop being my father!!"
    As Ciel sat up in the bed he felt off. Not necessarily sick just off. There was something wrong.... Something seriously wrong. It was something wrong, inside of him. He needed it out. Out! His hands instantly flew up to his forearms, digging his nails into the tender flesh. They tore like razors, blood beginning to dripple down before the flow got thicker as more rolled down his arms. Where was it?! How can he get it out?! He whimpered at the confusion, his nails being pressed further before being dragged down, making deep lines down his flesh. He growled and shook before yelling out.
    "Dammit, Sebastian!!" He shrieked, quickly earning a response. His lover instantly sat up and turned to face him. A look of horror crossed his Face as he quickly but gently grabbed the others shoulders and pinned him down. The blunette struggled and screamed as he yanked and pulled himself to try and get away. After a few minutes he stopped, laying flat. Only then did the other spot the tears rolling down his cheeks.
    "Why..... I-I never did anything wrong...." His voice caught in his throat, barely able to come them out. "I want it out..... I-It's something.... Inside me.....! I can't..... It won't get out...." He whimpered louder. The other's heart completely shattered at the sight before him. He had never seen someone so damaged and so hurt. He gently yet firmly hugged the other to his chest and attempted to comfort him.
    "Baby, there's nothing inside you.... Its ok, you're just paranoid...."
    "T-There is something.... S-Something-" the demon instantly shook his head and gently rubbed the other's back.
    "No, there's not~ Relax, Darling~ You'll be ok...." He purred softly, leaving gentle kisses on the others face.
    "S-Something... It... It needs.... Mph.... Mm...." Ever so slowly the frail boy was taken over by sleep once again, falling limp against the other who gently laid his back down and fixed up the wounds before tucking Ciel back into bed. He snuggled into the warmth and a small smile crept into his face for even a moment. In that minute, you could stare at him and not think anything bad ever happened to him. A perfect angel. The other allowed one tear to slip from his eyes and down his cheek before brushing it away and allowing himself to quietly exit the room.
    "I never stopped! I'm protecting you!! You can't see the truth, you're blind!" His father had cornered him by now towering far above him instead of sitting behind his desk like before.
    "You're not protecting me at all! I've been terrified to do anything I've wanted! I can't love the person I do freely without worrying you'll sabotage us!" As the teenager argued it seemed more and more as though he was trying to convince himself instead of his father.
    "He's a human! He's going to die! You'll be left alone.... That's why I wanted to raise you in Hell with other demons.... So you wouldn't have to go through the heartbreak...." His words decreased in anger yet remained firm. He watched the other's eyes go wide before his entire head hung down, making his vision point down.

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