Chapter 26

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    Only a few weeks later, maybe two, it was time for Ciel's funeral. Despite the fact that the demon's parents didnt have their best opinions of him, they held a funeral. It was private, only for the three of them to view while the only other 'guests' were people who were needed to properly bury him. As the raven bit his lip until blood pushed through the small cuts on his lips, the priest spoke every word that was needed. Some might say it was funny, even. Saying payers in the presence of demons, however, nothing could lift the teenager's horrible mood. He finally lifted his gaze to his lover's corpse, his attention continuing to travel up before it landed on the man playing the piano. Although his hair was up it still fell in long gray strands, covering most of the suit he wore. He may have looked out of place to others but the way he played the piano proved he was meant to be here. But, his being there somehow still felt.... Strange. Sebastian took a shakey breath and looked back at his lover. Interrupting the priest and walking forward with the white roses, far earlier than he should have. As the roses were laid in small hands, a gently kiss was pressed to the cold lips. The demon quivered with a strangled sob as he pulled himself away and managed to move back, letting everyone wrap up. The raven felt as though the burying was actually the hardest part, to never see his lover again. Perhaps, that was the only reason it topped discovering him with the cuts all over his arm, ruining the flesh. Because, at least them, maybe they could have saved him, he could be right there. He was already gone. They did a very well job of disguising the wounds, covering them in makeup, perhaps even skin from other areas. We'd never know.
    The demon wanted the ashes, for him to be cremated, but he felt like his lover wouldn't be at peace. He choked back another sob, instantly turning and rushing away from the scene, leaving everyone else behind. As he ran, the tear started to pour down his face only getting heavier ad time went on. When his legs couldn't carry him anymore, he collapsed onto his knees and staring down. When he eyes lifted a bit he noticed where he was and almost let out a tiny laugh. The pond... Yes, he and Ciel had had their first argument there, but more than that, they had a strong memory there. He let out a breath, staring into the water until he heard footsteps, slowly seeing a man walk into view of the water reflection. Strands of silver hair framed the face, half of it being covered by bangs but a scar showing nevertheless. He stared down at the boy, until he spoke.
    "W-Who are you....? Aren't you the one who-"
    "Played the piano? Yes.... However, I believe I have information you'd love to hear...." His lips formed into a grin, bits to hair slipped from over his eye, revealing a rich green color. Sebastian wouldn't lie, he was attractive, but a few years older, and obviously he wouldn't move on from the other, at least not for many years. His head tilted, awaiting an answer. The other quickly realized this and became a bit flushed.
    "I-It was a bit wrong for me to run from that but.... What kind of information...?" The question was a bit hesitant. Could he really trust this man? He saw another smirk before more words greeted him.
    "Perhaps it'll will be more appropriate to hear tomorrow.... go back to your parents, Sebastian."

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