Chapter 30

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    As both boys walked to their shared house, they remained close to each other, almost glued. They also carried on a steady conversation currently trying to decipher what had happened to Ciel. Black painted fingertips trailed down and grabbed the other's small hand, hearing his voice soon after.
    "I dont know how to explain it easily...." His voice didnt shake yet it still sounded unsure. The wind blew making him shudder softly and cuddle into the other's side.
    "That's, alright Baby.... Explain the best you can ok?" The larger reassured, gently patting his back. The younger of the two stopped his footsteps for a moment and pondered his memories. It felt almost as if they engulfed him, his mind and body actually reliving them.
    As he placed the razor down, letting it slightly clatter against the floor next to his thigh he released a shakey breath. As he slightly moved his head, letting it relax back against the wall, his mind seemed to finally be relaxing. All horrible thoughts and feelings practically vanished. That was, until his glance traveled down, right onto his stomach. He whimpered at he sight and quickly grabbed the small blade once again, dragging it across his stomach in long, violent motions, leaving many crimson marks. It hurt, he wouldn't lie about that but he knew it could ruin his life, what was housed within. It truly could destroy everything around him and he didn't want that.
    He didn't want any of this, the pain, the memories, or the thing in his stomach. When blood had begun to pour down lower on his body and down to the tiles, he once again dropped the piece of metal. He heard it clink and smiled slightly in satisfaction. However, the bliss was short lived as his lids drifted shut, encasing him in darkness with only the sound of beating on a far away door and his decreasing breaths. After what only seemed like minutes his eyes opened once again, clouding his brain with confusion. At that moment his cuts still remained and he still stood in the bathroom, yet when he looked to his side a man was seen smirking at him. He shrieked and fell backwards, moving away from him quickly. As he stared up at the stranger he looked around for a moment, suddenly realizing everything that was happening.
    His wounds no longer stung and didnt seem to bleed anymore, as if everything was frozen. He suddenly heard a giggle which quickly transformed into full out laughter until the cause realized he was being watched.
    "Oh, pardon my outbreak. But, you're completely right. Everything is frozen, at this very moment in time." His voice was a bit scratchy, the pitch continuing to fluctuate between high and low. In all honesty, Ciel could already tell the man was insane, or at least very close to it.
    "W-What are you doing here.... What's going on?" His voice quivered as he awaited an answer, time seemed to stretch out.
    "Well, my dear boy, as time is frozen obviously something big is about to happen. You see those deep cuts on your flesh? Spilling onto the floor? Well, when they made their way into your vein, I was informed I had to do my job." he chuckled, jumping from the cabinet and landing in front of the shorter male. He backed up into the corner once again.
    "Your job? W-What the fuck do you mean?!" He shouted, not at all liking how this played out.
    "Eugh, do you kiss your lover with that mouth? What I mean is that my job is to shall I say.... Recruit the souls of those who, what you may say 'offed' themselves." His voice continued in it's strange way, eventually coaxing Ciel to stand and remove himself from the corner. As they stared at each other a moment of silence passed before the gray-haired man continued explaining. "I shall allow you to see every moment of your life, every minute of it in a cinematic record. What you could call a movie nowadays. However, since you're a.... Special case, you will see bits of what could have been your future." As soon as his sentence finished the record popped up in front of blue eyes, making them widen in shock before settling again to watch. Even though he was told what would happen, the scenes still swayed his emotions. It was his entire life.... Even from when his parents were alive. Even their last moments, he looked away for a moment at that not wanting to remember every bit of that. It continued to be his routine day until he noticed Sebastian being added into all the memories. He frowned at this, suddenly realizing what his meant. All the guilt pressed down on his shoulders making him want to tear his eyes from the screen yet he didn't.
    When it came to the very moment that had just passed, it seemed to focus on the demon, watching his panicked expression as he ran in and picked up the bloodied Phantomhive. All the pain was etched onto his face, the tears rolled down his cheeks practically in sheets. Once again pressing all the guilt and hurt onto the blunette, this time he did tear his gaze away. Yet, the image was already burned into his brain. A few moments passed until he noticed that his lover began to look older. He furrowed his brows at this.
    He, himself, was being hugged a reassured until what seemed to be the camera nodded and both males hugged tightly. Then the next big memory came, there was a... Wait what? Why was there a baby? Did they adopt? Well.... Hey wouldn't be in the hospital then. Perhaps they had a surrogate? The camera suddenly pointed downwards at the small bundle. Said baby opened it's eyes and a small smile graced its face. From what could be told, it was a boy, having striking blue eyes and bright white hair. White hair? Blue eyes? It was clear Now they had chosen a surrogate, and used Ciel's DNA. Suddenly the roll stopped, leaving the smaller in stunned silence.
    "After seeing all this, do you regret it?" The silence was broken yet this time with a steady voice.
    "Of course.... I-I wanna take it all back...." He whimpered, rubbing his eyes that quickly brimmed with tears. He heard a small rustle of clothing, making his attention turn as his vision slowly faded back into focus. A pale hand was placed atop his head making him look up.
    "Then you shall get another chance, this time it cannot be broken short.... A true Reaper wouldn't try anyway. Enjoy it well..." He nodded, making his bangs shift to the side.
    When he awoke again, he was surrounded by darkness. He let his hands up from his chest and pushed in front of him, hearing a satisfying squeal as light poured into the small encasement. As he stepped from the coffin, the man was once again their, smirking and looking him from head to toe.
    "Go look in the mirror, Ciel. Tell me what you think." He said, moving to stand behind the other before he gently tilted his head to the side to face the small bit of glass.
    "M-My eyes..."
    And with that, Ciel fell silent as his lover looked at him, taking in every ounce of memory. So he knew more than he thought he did. But, what on Earth was a Reaper?

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