Chapter 19

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    As Sebastian continued to help decorate for the school dance he slowly became increasingly worried. Had his lover made it home safely? Had he stopped somewhere on the way home? He huffed softly and finished hanging up the multicolored lights before dropping down from the ladder, pulling his cellphone from the back pocket of his jeans. He quickly clicked on the other's contact and raised the phone to his ear. There was the dialing tone multiple times, but no one ever answered. He frowned and quickly put the phone back before rushing out of the rather large highschool. His footsteps made loud thuds as he ran back to his house, hoping that maybe his boyfriend had just fallen asleep. When the doors were slammed open, it range throughout the vast area, there'd probably be a dent in the wall but that didn't matter.
    "Ciel? Baby are you here?" He called out, awaiting a response that never came. He cursed and called out once again but to no avail. The blunette's backpack wasn't even by the door as it normally was. The raven hurriedly pulled out his phone once again and dialed his father's number. It range two times befre he share an annoyed sigh.
    "Yes, what is it, I'm very-"
    "Ciel's gone! I can't find him! I-I stayed after to help decorate and he-' he was instantly shushed by a hiss into the phone. He sniffles softly before biting his lip.
    "Sebastian, I'm not going to sugar coat this for you. He's been kidnapped. They can do any and everything to him and it could be weeks before we find him...."
    "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?!" He snapped back at his father who growled at the language.
    "Sebastian, he's a human. I'm not going to waste my resources in a mere mortal. Now I must go, I'm very busy." and with that, the call was ended leaving a stunned and hurt boy on the other end. He sniffled and cursed loudly before dialing his mother who instantly answered the phone.
    "Yes, Sweetie?" He could hear her clicking the buttons on the keyboard, going at an incredible speed.
    "Ciel's missing mom..... And dad won't even help a little to find him. I'm freaking out...." Even though he couldn't see it the woman frowned softly before responding.
    "Baby.... You know I can't change his mind... Maybe we can just wait a bit... He'll agree at some point..." Her reply was soft but it did nothing to comfort her son who growled again and hung up before gripping his phone tightly. The figure stood and rushed out of the house once again, deciding to walk along the path they take from school to home slowly, maybe there would be a clue.
    The sidewalk seemed to stretch on forever with no signs of the other not, almost as if he had just dissapeared without a trace. The other huffed and continued walking, looking at everything around him. As he stepped close to the school, his foot scraped against something. He looked down curiously and saw something that made his jaw drop, instantly grabbing it. The metal was warm from sitting in the sun against the concrete and the blue jewel shined brightly. This was Ciel's family ring, passed down from generation to generation. He would never purposely leave it lying around, especially on the ground in public. The raven slipped it onto his own finger, continuing to walk along the path. He was close, he must be. It was then that he glanced around quickly before letting his eyes change to their demon color. Letting then slowly change to a bright magenta color that seemed to glow and flash. Instantly the scent hit him, his lover's scent. Whether the blunette liked to admit it, he always smelled like chocolate cake accompanied by white roses. Always the most amazing smell ever. Somehow the demon found himself smiling softly for a moment before returning to his task. He followed the smell down a nearby alley, it seemed to only get darker and darker as it went gone until eventually every ray of sunshine was gone. It kept getting stronger, and closer. He inhaled deeply, beginning to run, closer, and closer to his lover. He heard him, he could hear him crying, a small wave of relief flowed through him. Until.... BANG!

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