Chapter 21

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    As the small figure shook and shivered, tears continued to roll down his cheeks, mixing in with the crimson that rolled down from his nose and matched the same that dripped from between his legs. He shuddered hard and pushed himself into the corner as far as he could, clutching the torn blanket around himself tighter. It was the only nice thing that wretched man had done for him, yet it wasn't even a nice blanket to help him regain his body heat. He had been alone for maybe a half an hour now, he was entirely ashamed and disgusted at everything that had happened. He sniffled and hid his face in his bruised arms as hot tears continued to roll down his cheeks.
    Meanwhile, the red eyed male currently walked along the thin yet high fence, heels echoing into the silent night. A soft growl slipped past his lips as his pace increased. Yes, he had regained his strength however, it had taken most of the day. He currently stood in his full true form, his eyes glowed brightly and his horns stood sharply. He stopped momentarily to draw in a deep breath and figure out exactly where his lover was. When he once again could smell the wonderful aroma he turned to face it, jumping from the fence and making a sharp thud as he landed. The boots went above his knee, still exposing the tears in his jeans, and his shirt and vest looked entirely untouched, as if he were going out for a dinner party or some other fancy event. However, what will happen tonight, was far from it. Armed with only a knife and his natural abilities, he already knew who he was up against. By now he stood just outside of the complex in which Ciel was held, however, he could tell many had been there before him. His footsteps clicked through the empty halls, closer, closer. The knife was pulled from its holster, being gripped tightly. Only moments later, more cries echoed down the hall, straight to the demon who felt a small wave of relief. Instantly he began to run, all the way until he was right outside the door.
    "Ciel, I'm-"
    "Well, well, well.... I must say, Sebastian... Its been a long time don't you say....? Oh, and your little toy is quite amazing I must say.... Shame I wasn't his first..."
    "Ash..." The name was growled lowly, so much hatred was put into one word. The white haired man chuckle deeply before walking around the demon.
    "Aww, not excited to see me? You should be happy, I did him a favor."
    "What the fuck are you talking about....?" He glared intently, his eyes glowing brighter than before.
    "Well... You see, when you bedded him.... You got your nasty sin in him... Well, I couldn't let such a pure and beautiful child be full of sin now could I? I guess you could say I replaced it..."
    The anger that Sebastian felt before only increased to complete hatred. He growled as the knife was raised and lowered back towards the man.
    Meanwhile the blunette was currently pulling himself closer and closer to the door, weakly crying out, trying to be heard. His knees ached from being on them so long, and his hips throbbed from before. However, the blood had dried and his bruises hurt less than before. He didnt care if he imagined help was there, even if he imagined it was the person he loved who had been shot down. Anyone, he just needs to get out of this.
    "Sebastian!! Help!!" He whimpered out, trying to pull out of the chains. As his hands balled into fists he pulled hard, even if he could only slip one hand out it'd be better. He struggled and yanked harder until suddenly a loud crack filled the air. He whimpered loud as his teeth sunk into the soft flesh of his bottom lip and yanked one last time, pulling his hand from within the cuff. He let out whimpers of sharp pain at his now dislocated wrist before attending to slip the other out without damaging it the same way.
    "Why won't you fucking die!" Sebastian's voice erupted as he managed to slam the other against the wall, finally managing to thrust the weapon deep into his throat, making him tense up and reach to grab the handle. He struggled until it was ripped from the wound and once again plunged into the flesh through his chest. Ash fell limp against the wall, barely getting in a last breath before he fell to the floor, the knife being put back into its holster. He allowed himself to return to his normal state, to not scare the other. The demon looked at the door before using all his might to force it open. Suddenly, he was greeted with loud whines and cries, along with the sounds of chains. He instantly saw Ciel in front of him, broken and beaten. His heart broke at the sight, making him rush over and quickly pick the lock of the other cuff. The blunette was swept off the ground and held against the other's warm chest, allowing him some warmth finally. He ignored the pain in his wrist in order to hug the other's neck tightly.
    "S-Sebastian..... I thought you were gone..." The smaller boy wailed, clinging to him tightly.
    "I know... I know... I'm so sorry, so sorry, Baby..... You're safe now though... And I'll never, ever let you go.... Not again.... Let's get you bandaged up..." And with that, the battered couple made their way home, clinging tightly to each other. Afraid that if they let go, the other would dissapear into the night sky.

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