Chapter 37

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She felt like complete shit.

Bob Ruzek was a good man, but he wasn't her father.

When she told Adam her mother deserved more, she only meant that she deserved her father to still be alive.

His life robbed from them way too soon, his body bludgeoned and tortured and dumped  in a retaining pond as if he was trash.

She would never forget the look of anguish on her mother's face when Adam came home from work that day, to tell them that his remains had finally been found.

Her mother cried for days, Kim didn't think she'd ever stop crying.

That was all she meant, her mother deserved to still have her husband beside her.

Adam slid up to the bar, "A beer please" he asked Otis, "how's it going?"

Otis smiled and draped the towel over his shoulder, "Can't complain, you?"

Adam laughed, "Not sure. My father is dating my mother in law, it's seems sort of incest-ish" he laughed.

Otis raised an eyebrow, "That's fun" he laughed, handing him the beer, "I gotta go, let me know if you need anything"

"Do you think I should call her?" Deborah asked as she pushed the food around on her plate, "or should I wait until she reaches out?"

Bob grabbed her hand, "Do whatever you think is best, I think she'll come around though, she just needs some time"

"I don't know" she shook her head, she knew how stubborn Kim could be, "Adam didn't need anytime, he's fine with us"

Bob smiled, he knew that was true but there were differences between the two, "Yes, but it's different for Kim"


Bob began clearing the table, "Adam's mother and I have been divorced for over twenty years, while Mike was stolen from you and Kim. It wasn't all that long ago either, I imagine that's what's wrong with Kim and the idea of us"

She put the leftovers in the fridge, "You're right. I miss Mike and I always will. I love him with all I have but he's gone. He'd want be to happy and you make me happy, I just want Kim to see that"

"She will" Bob told her, "and just so you know, you make me the happiest man in the world"

"Transformers? Optimus, please?" Nicky begged holding the DVD in his hand, "Nicky wanna watch it"

Kim took the DVD from his hand, "go grab your blankie and I'll put it on" she told him, hoping to occupy him so he'd quit asking for Adam who had been gone for hours at this point.

"Hey" Adam said softly as he came into the living room.

Kim put the disc in the player and pressed play before turning around to face him, "Where'd you go?"

He looked at his feet, "Molly's" he knew he shouldn't have been gone so long, "I ran into Severide and Halstead, played a few games of pool"

She nodded, "Nicky, your movie is on" she called down the hall, "did you drink?"

He held up two fingers , "Just two, I know I shouldn't have left, it's just...what you said..about my hurt" he admitted, "My dad is a good man Kim, I thought you knew that"

Kim sighed, "I didn't mean it the way it sounded, it came out wrong"

He wasn't  backing down, "Not sure how 'she deserves better' can come out any different" he told her, what hurt him most was he saw a lot of himself in his father. If she felt that way about his dad, she must not hold him in the highest regard.

"Daddy, wanna watch Optimus?" Nicky asked tugging on Adam's hand, "pwease come watch with me!"

Kim was surprised by his last sentence, her attention shifted, "Good boy Nick, that was really good!" She praised him.

"Daddy'll watch in a minute, let me talk to him, okay?" Kim grabbed the little boy's hand, "go snuggle"

Adam retreated to the dining room, "I thought you liked my dad?"

Kim sat opposite him, "I do" she said grabbing a tissue, she missed her father so much it made her heart ache, "It's not about your dad, your dad is a really good man Adam. One of the best I know"

"What is it? They seem happy" he remarked, his fingers reaching out for hers. He could tell she was on the verge of tears.

The sound of explosions from the television filled the silence, "he's hooked on that movie, huh?" Adam asked.

Kim smiled softly, "he's your son after all" she teased, "Adam, what I meant earlier was that my dad should still be here. With us" she cried, "that's what my mom deserves, your dad is wonderful but he's not my dad. I don't know if it makes any sense" she wiped at her eyes.

Adam kneeled in front of her "I'm sorry" he felt like an ass now, "I shouldn't have stormed out, it just...."

Kim caressed his cheek, "It's okay Adam, I handled it all wrong" she told him, "I was a bitch to your dad, I should call my mom"

She reached for the phone, "Don't call them now, let's go watch Transformers with Nicky" he pulled her up from the chair, "you know it's your favorite" he teased.

Kim laughed as he pulled her up into his arms, "I hate that movie" she wrapped her arms around his neck, "but my boys love it"

"That's my girl. Taking one for the team" he led her into the living room, noticing Nicky out cold on the couch, "looks like he's out for the night, I can put him in his room if you want"

Kim smiled, "Please do, and meet me in our bedroom" she smiled suggestively.

Adam carefully lifted the sleeping boy in his arms, "Unscheduled sex?" He whispered hoping to keep from waking his son.

"You know it" she teased.

"Adam?" She whispered her fingers running up and down his chest, "you awake?"

She could hear him groan, "mmm, am now" he said sleepily.

She turned the bedside light on, Adam squinting as his eyes adjusted to the light, "what's wrong darlin'?" He asked her.

"Nothing" she told him, "just I was thinking"

Adam sat up in bed, "about?"

"Your dad and my mom" she started, "it's kind of weird, no?"

He curled his lip and cocked his head to the side, "I dunno, maybe"

Kim smiled, "I know it's a long shot but if they were to get married, you'd be my stepbrother" she laughed, "still unsure if it's weird, or not?"

Adam laughed as he pulled her against his chest, "Seems a little kinky, if you ask me" he kissed her.

"You're gross!"

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