Chapter 44

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Bob tossed his keys on the counter and rushed to find Deborah, "Debbie, honey, has Adam called?" He had heard that the van was located but that was it. He'd called everyone he knew at the 21st and everyone from intelligence and no one would tell him a damn thing.

It had been hours, the sun had just set.

Nicky was at the table finishing his happy meal, "Nothing" Deb told him softly, "Adam promised he'd call but that was hours ago. Why hasn't he called?"

Bob sat next to her, smiling at his grandson who seemed oblivious to all that was going on, "He will call soon, I know he will"


So unbelievably cold.

She wasn't sure how long she had been walking but she knew it was too long, her feet freezing and her legs ached.

Her hearing was still shit, the gun going off right next to her ear was the culprit but she was alive.

She could live with being deaf, as long as she got to live.

Adam choked back a sob, "It wasn't her....she's still out there" he relayed to the unit, he shuddered at the thought of Kim still in the hands of those monsters.

His relief was short lived, Kim was still missing and now they had another victim, one they couldn't identify.

Al glanced at Adam they'd been back at the 21st for hours now, "Kid, did you call your mother in law?"

"No" he said flatly, he didn't know what to tell her, "I don't know what to say"

They hadn't found anything else, the van was their only link to Kim. It was as if it fell out of the sky, no one witnessed anything. No one knew who the woman was, and no one had any clue as to where the suspects might be now.

Sean ran his hand through his hair, it was disgustingly greasy but he refused to shower. He feared for his life every time he left the confines of his cell, the others prisoners longed to get their hands on 'a dirty fucking pig' and the guards happily turned a blind eye.

The guard called his name, "Roman, you have a visitor"

Sean poked his head out of the cell, the doors left open until seven each day, "Who is it?"

"Hank Voight" he slipped the cuffs on him, it was standard operating procedure when moving a prisoner from the cell block to the visiting rooms.

"Did they find Ruzek's wife?" He was hopeful.

"Last I heard they found her remains"

Sean felt the wind leave his lungs, and his knees buckled, "No..."

"Don't act like you care, it's your fault she's dead" the guard pushed him in the room and cuffed him to the table, "Voight'll be right in"

"One, two, three, four!" Nicky beamed, "I ate four donuts" he smiled as he held up the corresponding amount of fingers, "Mommy never lets me eat four" he suppressed a giggle by placing his hand over his mouth.

Deborah clutched her chest, "Well, that's what Grandpa's are for, sugar highs" she wrapped him up in her arms, "I love you, so much" she kissed the top of his head.

He'd stopped asking for Kim, it was almost 'out of sight out of mind' for him and she hoped that it was temporary, that Kim would come home.

Hank's eyes looked like ice as he sat across from Sean, "She's dead?" He croaked out his own eyes watery.

Hank shook his head, "No, but the longer this goes on.."

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