Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott and I cried, both of us crouching down as we yelled at Stiles.

"Wha-does it look like I have a key?" He asked.

"Grab something!" I yelled.

"Like what?" He cried.

I threw my hands up, "Anything, Stiles!"

Stiles calmed slightly, suddenly peaking through the glass of the doors, his eyes seeming to lock onto something.

Scott and I slowly stood to our feet, finding what Stiles was staring at. The bolt cutters.

I shook my head, "Anything but that."

"No." Scott said.

Stiles shoved our shoulders, "Yes."

I shook my head as Stiles pushed through the doors outside, "No, Stiles, don't!"

He closed the door behind him softly, leaning against them as he surveyed the area. I bit my lip in anticipation as Stiles made his way to the bolt cutters.

I saw a dark silhouette slowly crawling from behind Stiles' Jeep, and I gasped, "Scott!"

Scott's eyes widened, "Come back! Come back! Stiles!"

The two of us hit the school doors, trying to get Stiles' attention.

Stiles slowly look back, and we pointed behind him, and his eyes widened as he saw the alpha beginning to run towards him.

"Stiles!" I waved him back, "Stiles! Run!"

He snatched the bolt cutters, scrambling back to the doors as the alpha gained speed.

Stiles pulled the doors open, slamming the doors behind him and shoving the bolt cutters into the door, keeping it from opening.

The three of us panted wildly in fear, looking back out of the windows, "Where is it?" Scott asked, "Where'd it go?"

Stiles moved his flashlight against the glass of the small windows, shining it around the cars, looking for the alpha.

We slowly backed away, and I looked towards the door, the bolt cutters looking extremely weak, "That won't hold, will it?" I asked.

Stiles looked to me, "Probably not."

I gulped, turning around to look down the long, dark hallway.

The silence of the halls was broken as a loud, wailing howl echoed down the halls.

"Oh my God." I breathed in fear, Scott and Stiles suddenly grabbed my arms, pulling me with them into a neighboring classroom.

The boys grabbed the teachers desk, going to slide it against the door when Stiles stopped, "Shh, stop, stop!" He looked back to the door, "The doors not gonna keep it out."

"I know." Scott panted.

"It's your boss." Stiles blurted.

Scott shook his head, "What?"

"Deaton. The alpha? Your boss." Stiles pointed to Scott.

"What? No." Scott told him.

"Yes! Murdering, psycho werewolf!" Stiles whisper yelled.

"That can't be!"

"Oh, come on. He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet into the air?! That's not combine timing." Stiles shrugged.

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