⊱Chapter 26 🗡 Stifling Truths ⊰

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I'm back!!!! YAY!!!! I got around to editing the next part so you guys get another triple update!!!! Whoo!!!!! Let's get to it!!!


Serina's deep breaths were even as they continued on to vibrate around me. Lifting my hand up I begin to pester the leathery wing above me by poking at it insistently. My action caused Serina to twitch in her sleep, but other than that nothing happened. "Serina." I called with my mind trying to wake up my sleeping dragon. Serina stirred a bit more but remained asleep. "Serina, wake up." Calling out once more while repeatedly poking her wing. However she still stayed asleep. "SERINA!!! WAKE UP!" I yelled this time through our link, resorting to a desperate tactic.

Yelling seemed to do the trick as her wing lifted up, allowing me to sit up from my previous position underneath her wing and resulting in the harsh morning sunlight hurting my sensitive eyes that had become adjusted to the darkness.

Serina lifted up her head regarding me with one of her large amethyst eyes while she yawned. She looked as if she were contemplating whether to eat me or lightly growl. We both knew that she would never intentionally hurt me so she went with the later of the two, "Yes, Avian?" Her head slumping back to the ground as she blinked sleepily up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"We must be getting back at some point. Others will start to grow suspicious as to the reason I am gone for too long." Thinking back to the castle I frown. "But how will we hide your presence. It will be hard to hide a form as massive as a dragon." I ponder my predicament, trying to find a possible solution as I rake my fingers through my messy hair.

"You are over thinking it, Avian." Serina lifted her head once more, seeming more awake than what she had been in the previous moments. I must have had a confused expression with a look that said "what?" written on my face as Serina sighed then continued to explain. "It is easier than you think. Dragon magic is complex and very complicated. It is what allows us, if the user is strong enough that is, to transform our bodies into different things. Such as a piece of jewelry or even meld into the skin of our riders for a couple examples."

"How do you transform into jewelry? It seems impossible."

She shook her head at me, as if saying you don't get it therefore I will have to explain it. "We don't actually transform into jewelry per say. It is more of a camouflage defense mechanism. Through our magic our bodies shrink, our scales toughen up like metal and become even smoother to the touch. Resting in certain positions we would look like a piece of jewelry crafted of the highest quality. Melding into your skin I would look almost exactly alike that tattoo on your shoulder but with finer detail. The level of transformation is dependent upon the power of the individual. The older a dragon is or the more experienced the more powerful they are. Some are even powerful enough to transform themselves into humans."

"Are you able to transform into a human? What would you look like?" I asked excitedly, nearly jumping up and down from the onslaught of emotions I was feeling.

Serina pulled her lips back from her teeth in a toothy smile, "No. It could be a possibility one day, but as of right now I am not strong enough yet. Our bond has yet to connect us deeper to one another. But if I could, I would look almost identical to you. However I would have amethyst eyes instead of brown. When a dragon transforms into a human they take on their rider's characteristics. For a dragon's body needs a model that they are connected to when transforming into another creature, that is why they end up resembling their rider. There is even a legend in our history where a rider and dragon became one being. Their bond was so strong they were truly two halves of a whole and it reflected when they transformed. But that is an ancient magic that no one has possessed in hundreds of years."

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