⊱Chapter 22 🗡Jail Break⊰

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AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Final part of the 4 part update!!!! This chapter is dedicated to FlamySapphire for adding Hidden Kingdom to one of their Reading Lists. Thank you for giving my novel a chance!!! I do hope all of your readers have enjoyed the updates I have posted today. Now I won't keep you any longer. Onto the fourth part of the update!


As the moon rose high into the sky the feeling of it was the right time to act thrummed through my veins. Refusing to be ignored.

Tilting my head to the side the sounds of night time drifted through my ears, hearing only silence and the sounds of crickets my feet moved silently towards the front of the cage.

Stepping up to the lock I decided to try out my magic to see if earlier had been a fluke. Reaching for my magic once more I nearly cry out in pain. My magic flow was blocked from me as long as I remain in the cage. Instead of a cool soothing sensation a burning heat made its way down my arms. Surprised the control for my magic slipped away, the scorching heat fading along with it.

Pouting one my fingers slipped the key out from its hiding place. Sliding it into the lock. Slowly turning the key but it got stuck before it wouldn't budge. Catching a growl of frustration within the back of my throat before it could escape.

Jake frantically waved to get my attention, signing something quickly that I couldn't hope to catch. He rolled his eyes at the confusion taking place. Though he signed at a slower pace, 'Lock picks!' Oh!!! Of course. Taking the ornaments from my hair and flicking the locks of hair back in annoyance the key was replaced with the lock picks.

Kneeling I closed my eyes as I listened to the tumbles of the locks. With a soft click the door slightly opened. Grinning I opened the door a bit wider so Bao and I could slip silently through. Taking my lock picks out of the key hole I made my way over to the other cage. Inserting the key first, hoping it could unlock this particular cage.

Much to my disbelief the key turned easily in the key hole. Unlocking the cage with another soft click. My breathing slightly increased as I waited just to see if any of the guards had awoken due to the cages opening. So far no movement or sound could be detected.

Opening the cage partially for Dax and Jake to slip out, I waited for them to stand beside me before giving further orders. "What now?" Dax lightly whispered.

I cringed at first, relaxing when no one had woken up. "We need to find our weapons. Dax, you and I will search the leader's tents for them. You check Bartholomew's tent while I check Alex's. Bao go get the horses. Jake go help him saddle the horses. We need to sneak away quietly before making our full escape." Whispering in the softest tone I could manage. My voice carrying far enough for only the four of us to hear in the dead of night.

Giving a nod of conformation before we each slipped away to do our designated job. Dax waved once as he silently slipped into the leader's tent.

Slipping unnoticed into the second in command's tent, seeing his form on his cot for an unknown reason had me gravitating towards him. Gazing upon Alex as he slept, his face vulnerable and open opposite of how he carried himself when awake. My fingers aching to move a stray piece of hair that fell onto his face, catching myself before I could.

Eyes darting around the tent only to rest upon a pile of weapons sitting in the corner by some chairs covered in expensive looking furs. Moving to the flap of the tent so the boys could see my form standing at the entrance. I waved a couple of times to indicate that the weapons had been located. Jake and Dax came trotting over quietly, moving nearly as a shadow across the distance that separated us.

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