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"Nigga livin' TTG and everything still on fleek."~ Young Thug

I hate this damn school. Another girl ask me for my number I'm cussing her out. I moved here a month ago and started school last week. This school is like the bougie ghetto. Half the girls here suck dick. No morals at all. I don't want to do shit but finish out my junior year and chill until next year.

"Aye, Chres. Wassup?" Malik held out his arms at the lunch table.

I don't fuck with nobody else but him. He cool people. He talk too much but he cool.

"Sit down nigga." I sat down at the table with my bag of chips and water. "Wassup with you now? Miss boss lady turned you down again?"

"Don't even try that. You been here one week and still don't know my role." Malik dusted himself off. No lie he need to step his dressing game up. "Her dad played pro ball. He cool just protective. I tell him wassup from time to time since he can't sit in class with her."

"You're a snitch then just say it." I laughed.

"Clearly, I have privileges. Shorty fine ass hell. Her moms is too. Her dad and her mom went here back when they was youngins. He played ball and guess what shorty doing." Malik licked his crusty ass lips. "Play ball and volleyball. Childhood crush never dies homie. Plus side to all this her dad and mine like brothers."

"A crush you obviously can't get." I ate my chips drinking my water minding my business.

I couldn't give a shit. I don't even know her name. She might be cool because she hasn't been on me yet so she good where ever she at. And I never seen her. Malik stupid ass somehow let this random smack the taste out of his mouth.

"Fuck is this Lik?" She threw down her phone with something on the screen. "Explain before I slap you harder."

He picked up the phone dropping his jaw. I don't know what's going on with these two but I ain't trying to be involved. I got up ready to leave the cafeteria. That seem like baby momma drama to me.

I'm not about to lie I did see her walking in the same direction as me but there were two trash cans next to each other. I was headed to one and she could have went to the other. She ended up bumping into me. Either she wasn't paying attention or she did that shit for attention.

"You can see the trash can but you can't see a nigga walking to it also." I said.

"I clearly didn't see you. Maybe because you look like trash." She rolled her eyes throwing her trash in the the bin and sat her tray on the tray holder.

"Get you some glasses because I'm far from trash." I wasn't about to let her play me like that.

"Get the fuck out of my way. I didn't see you so what's your problem Curly Sue." She kept her calm and it got on my nerves.

"Man whatever. Stop walking around with your head down maybe you'll see its other people around you." I turned around walking away.

Inconveniently the only exit and entrance to the cafeteria we both tried to leave out of. I don't know where the hell she was going but she was on my heels.

"Real gentleman." I heard her scoff.

"You're getting on my nerves and I don't know you." I sighed turning around blocking her way. She again rolled her big eyes and tried to move around.

"My name is Georgia. But I don't go by that. Get out the fuck out the way." She damn near pushed me but I wasn't letting her get around me.

"You do realize you're rude as shit."

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