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"This rule is underrated. Keep your family and business completely separated."~ The Notorious B. I. G

Nesha looked at me not saying a word. I told her the whole story since nobody else would. Everybody knew how she felt about Randall. She loved that man with everything. She did everything for him. Nesha is only in school to be the person he wanted her mother to be. I couldn't tell you but she would tell you about Randall in a heartbeat some times sooner than that.

"Nesha you gotta say something. You worrying me." I said nudging her.

That tear that's been in her eye since we, well I started talking finally fell once she blinked a couple of times.

"Chres, you shouldn't have did what you did." She said.

I tried to say something but she gave me her shut the hell up look.

"I never liked what the fuck y'all do. I don't have a choice but to be involved now because Grandpop told me everything. Now he dead. It's business, right? So act like it. You shouldn't have killed that boy. Got enough blood on your hands already from Chicago. Remember? And who was the cause of that?"

"Nesha it's not like that. I'm handling business like I'm supposed to." I defended myself.

"Messing with that girl in that dorm room handling business. Chres you slipping up again. Monty he going always be stupid. You, you smarter than that but if she get in your head then you not handling business." She wiped her eyes from the tears she was unwilling shedding.

"This is different."

"Boy, you so predictable. This is different. You gonna get your cap pulled back over a girl for real this time. Then you messing with somebody that's from the other side. This ain't no hood rat we talking about. This girl has money, her daddy makes more than us by putting on a shoe and we busting our asses on the streets everyday. Chres you got yourself in some serious shit."

"I don't care. If I have feelings for someone why can't I act on them. You and Monty get to but why not me?" I asked her. "What the fuck is wrong with me that I can't have something to myself?"

"Chressy nothing's wrong with you. Me and Monty just are older and know our boundaries. I bet you she knows what you do. Either you told her or she figured out because you always set yourself up on a routine. This shit dangerous. There's a reason you're here and not Quetta."

"Don't say her name."

"Well where she at? In a grave right?" Nesha got up getting in my face. "You want that for Georgia?"

I looked up at her. I didn't want to say anything but I knew if I didn't she would fuck me up. "No."

"Thought so. Leave that girl alone now before she end up like the last one." Nesha walked off leaving me alone.

It took me a while but I eventually went back to the dorm. Georgia was sitting there with Malik on the floor watching reruns of Rocket Power. I didn't want to say anything to anybody. They looked like they were getting along for the first time in a while. Any other time all I seen them do is argue.

I can't just leave Georgia alone. It would be crazy for me to just dip out on her like that because I spend days with this girl. We text each other just to be annoying. And to leave flat out like that is wild. I can't break her heart like that. I want her to be safe also. There has already been too many lives lost because of me and my ways of dealing with grief. I still feel like there should be more people gone from this earth but that's just my opinion.

Nesha is right. I honestly don't want that fate for Georgia. Knowing Monty he'll slip up and tell my father which means I would have to dead her or start another war within the business. More than likely Georgia will be dead at the end of it, not the one that deserves to be.

"Chresanto you good?" Georgia asked me when I finally came out of the bathroom.

"Always. Excuse me." I moved past her walking toward Monty's room.

I didn't know if he had a plan or not. He most definitely always does. I got myself into some serious shit. Monty's the other person that can talk my father out of punishing me for this Das shit.

"Yo, Monty, get up." I sat in his desk chair turning it toward his bed.

He wouldn't get up so I kicked but let him be dramatic and fall off the bed. I mean he was on the edge but he could have just sat up instead of trying to roll over.

"Nigga why you in here?" He rubbed his eye laying back in his bed.

"Nesha said I should drop Georgia."

"The way I see it, and this coming from a place of an non judgmental standpoint. You drop her, let her get with a nigga that's legit. Or you can let yo daddy find out you doing the same shit you was doing in Chicago." He sleepily explained to me my options and I wanted more than that.

"I should beat your ass for tryna fuck her." I groaned.

"Hey, I didn't. Yesterday I was just messing with her. We settled our difference." He yawned. "Aye, Unc find out you with her. Like this close then that's your head, nigga, not nobody else's this time."

"What about her?" If something happened to Georgia then I can't live with myself anymore.

"Shit, Ion't know. Kidnapped for a few days. Cut up a bit. Prolly a lil bit of everything except penetration. I wouldn't let that happen to her." Monty went back to laying on his back with his hands behind his head. "We too cool for that shit to happen to her."

"You for real?"

"You know how your daddy be getting when you fuck up. Remember Chi? Quetta? That shit still coming down on him because of you. I didn't decide to be on that gay shit and fall in love with a girl that I wouldn't never seen if it wasn't for the corner. Chres you need to think before you act on your heart. I know that shit is hard." He sighed. "Look at Nesha. She completely by herself now. Because of the shit we do. I think you did the right thing by killing lil dude. Nesha against that shit. But I'm for it. Randall was for everybody. I'm just saying do what you think right."

"Monty you hop around shit too much. Be real."

"Drop her." He shrugged. "I know it's hard. You don't want nobody to dead her. Best thing to do is drop her. Do what your supposed to do for business. Graduate. Then hustle like we been doing. You're best bet lil nigga. Now get the fuck out."

"Bitch." I snatched his covers off of him and ran out the room.

Bryson was driving us home in a few hours. I ignored Georgia the whole time and just talked to Malik.

Even then it was hard not to talk to Georgia on some real shit. I told her damn near everything about me. How can someone just walk out like that? Three months of arguing turned into three months of getting to know each other.

Piling into the car I made Malik sit back there with Georgia. I didn't tell him why neither. I just needed some space. Time to think about what I really wanted to do. Not what everyone else thought was best. I couldn't be next to her like that. I gotta wait until we get back home. Once we get back home I can have Roxie there to comfort me afterwards. Roxie is always going to be my number one girl. But I can't have a human there for me physically like I want.

That's the problem.

Something I want. I can't have.

That's what bothers me so much. Georgia is really caring and honest with me. Unlike others who are blunt and don't want to be involved with my shit anymore.

Nesha 💕💮 : you know you like my brother .

Me : okay ?

Nesha 💕💮 : then do what's right for everyone , including yourself .

Me : I heard you and Monty the first time .

Nesha 💕💮 : then don't have that girl living a fairy tale .

Me : bye Nesha ✌🏾️

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