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"And I just wanna be clear. We're doing right, we're doing what works." ~ Dvsn

She wouldn't say much. If she did, then it was to tell me to cut my music down. She was drained, and frankly I was too. There wasn't much I could do for her but make sure she doesn't give up completely on herself. Georgia never expressed to me that she was ever feeling that bad, she never told me that she took pills, she didn't even tell me she felt like she was ready for sex.

It hurt like hell to find out she slept with someone else. I was told by Randall a long time ago that if I loved someone just as much as I loved myself, then hitting rocks and bumps in the road causing a leak in y'all tire shouldn't be a problem. I asked him what the fuck that meant because I was still young to have his old ass talking to me about some loving somebody else. He asked me what do I do with a leaking tire? I shrugged at that age still learning about cars.

"You plug it. Ain't no use in getting a new one if that's the tire that really ride for you." He said, showing me where there was a piece of metal stuck in a tire. "It's just the same with a relationship. It can leak here and there, all you gotta do is take a step back, look, inspect y'all relationship, and there you go the problem will show itself. Just gotta take the time to yank that shit out and plug y'all's tire. Hear me?"

Being the young bull I was I just nodded and said yeah I hear you as I've done a million times before to other shit he said. Turns out old Randall had been hip to this love game. I was just getting my feet wet.

"And if the tire busted like that bitch spilt the fuck open then y'all don't need to be talking. Y'all need to pick which side of the couch y'all want and go on 'bout y'all lives. Fuck the dumb shit y'all be on." Randall said to me as he put the tire back on the car.

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Georgia looked over at me then went back to looking at nothing.

"So what you and the rest of them have planned. An intervention? Rehab?" She thought it was a joke her damn self.

Looking around the tree house, that it's amazing it's still standing, the pictures made it feel safe. Her father caught me outside with Malik and he just knew I had Georgia with me. I don't even care for the conversation we had really, it was the desperation in his voice. Clearly, he wasn't going to let me go without knowing that she was okay. He would do anything for her and he proved it always in my ass about the idea of us together.

Malik matured and was accepting the responsibility of becoming a father, so everyone taking in Malik's change of heart.

"They want you to talk to them." I said.

"Look where that got me, Chresanto."

"You breathing still. You clean. You eating. You ain't that bad off the drug, Badass."

She bit her lip, holding back tears I could tell she wanted to let go but wouldn't. I don't know what it is with her and crying now. Before it was something she had no problems doing, it was just other people crying. Now though, she holds it all in. It's close to a crying child but they don't want to cry too loud because they might get hit by their parent again.

"Get the letter and the picture of your choice and let's go." I got up off the floor getting the letter for her.

"Why are you always making me do shit I don't want to do?" Georgia yelled at me.

I looked around myself to see who the fuck she was talking to like that.

"Raise your fucking voice at me again."

"Chres I'm being serious. Just let me do me." She had tears lining her eyes.

I stared at her in shock.

"Let you do you?" I asked her. "Correct me if I'm dammit wrong but you doing you clearly ain't the best shit for you to be doing. Get your shit, shut that shit up, and let's go."

"No." She crossed her arms like a child, like she did when we were in high school and didn't get her way.

"Excuse me? What the fuck is a no? You don't get to say that to me. Unless I'm forcing myself on you, you don't say that shit to me. Fuck a no. Get ya ass down the rope. With your shit and let's go."

I didn't even bother to wait for her to respond I was so fucking mad. Never walked back to a car so fast in my damn life. I watched her from my car as she had everything I told her to get. She got in the car quietly. And I drove off. Don't need to tell her jack shit about where we're going because you know what. I give her every thing. I try to at least. And she tells me no.

Fuck a no.

Sometimes, I wonder if I never would have met her. Back to that day where she bumped into me, rudely said shit to me, then made her business to use me to piss off her father. I didn't mind because in a way, I was using her just the same. I didn't think she would grow on me the way she did. Her glow got me more than anything. Not the way she talked to me or the way she looked at me.

The glow she had attracted me in ways I can't describe. Nobody else could see it but me. Overlooked her beauty and her body it was the shine the sun dropped down upon her and it had me but the throat. As if to say, I needed to be around her so that my darkness can be relieved of its duty. Georgia's glow alone makes me happy. With it gone from her, I want to do everything thing in my fucking power to make that shit come back.

Sitting back and watching her tear her own self down, pains me.

"Thank you." Her father said to me when he came outside of his art center.

I nodded not really caring about him. I care about Georgia and whatever problems they have with each other need to be fixed.

"She's okay, for now, she's sensitive." I opened the car door for Georgia to get out but she wouldn't move. "Give us a minute real quick."

"Nigga that's my fucking daughter she better bring her-" I closed the door.

"I don't give a fuck. She's going through a lot and you talking to her like she's dumb ain't gon help her. So you're either going to be gentle or she going back to where she was."

Her father poked his tongue into his cheek looking back at Fawn who was looking worried in the center doorway. He rolled his eyes and walked back inside. Nigga can have an attitude all he fucking want, Georgia isn't going to be picked an pried at anymore. It isn't like we're back in high school and she's seventeen. She's more than legal now to not have her family judge her and control her.

I opened the door for her to go inside the center but she froze up.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry." Biting her lip I pulled her into my arms. "I love you and I put all this all on you. And I'm selfish. I wasn't thinking about you-"

To get her to stopped, I kissed her deeply. It was the first time I kissed her since I found out about her stepping out on me. Felt real, I missed this, and she kissed me back. Soft and tender, like the first time our lips even grazed across each other's. Georgia became my everything and more in this moment we haven't shared in so long.

"Come on," I broke apart from her. "We gotta go in."

I held the door open for her. Taking in a deep breath she exhaled through her nose and took the first step inside. Then the next. All the way in without me forcing her.

She was ready.

I was right by her side.

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