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"I just happen to love you." Lil Wayne ft. Chance the Rapper

As long as I waited to see her I couldn't. It was like she was already distant from me. The last time we talked on the phone she sounded off to me. I want to believe it's because of school but something is telling me it's more than that.

I didn't bother driving because Roxie started to hate my car. She won't get in it if she not in her cage and I hate putting her in the cage because she whines the whole time. I didn't bother putting her on her leash because one I can't find it and two I think the shit is annoying to both me and her sometimes.

Roxie was behaving herself while we walked on the sidewalk. Whatever kids were outside playing wanted to pet her and she actually let them. I think it's the age getting to her. By the time we got to Georgia's house I was ready to take Roxie home. All that stopping and being polite to them crumb snatchers made me annoyed. I can only deal with kids for so long.

Roxie and I got to Georgia's house and before I could knock on the door, it swung open and she was in my arms. Roxie barked loudly at her wanting the same attention from her. Georgia kissed me quickly before she bent down to Roxie's level.

"I missed you too girly girl. You been good?" Georgia let Roxie lick her all over her face. I can't take that licking shit no more how long I've had Roxie. I hate it so much but she still be doing it.

"How the dog gon get more love than me?" She smirked looking up at me.

"I got you later. But we can't be here right now. They coming back with a bunch of people from the center to have some fucking dumb ass meeting." Georgia went back inside to get her keys and her hoodie. "She still not getting in the car?"

We started to walk back to my house so Roxie can be inside somewhere and won't run off chasing a squirrel or something. I shook my head not saying anything. I didn't feel like really talking about anything. How can I when the thought is itching to become an accusation? I don't want her to loose her trust in me.

Georgia looked odd at that. Slimmer, her eyes were glossy, and her hair was in a pony tail. She always wears her bush if she isn't playing a game or in the shower. I mean she probably could just gotten out of the shower.

"How was it?" I asked her trying to start some sort of conversation while I drove.

"How was what?"

"The baby shower."

She shrugged. "It was nice. They having twins. Lik about to be two kids father so I guess it was okay. I missed my best friend. We sat there and talked for majority of it."


I drove to the park so we can get some food from Mr. James. Not even about to front ever since Georgia first brought me here, I been coming here ever since. His hamburger subs are good as fuck. Georgia was on her phone when I parked the car. She didn't notice that we stopped for good she was so into whatever was on her screen.

"Badass." She looked at me and smiled, "let's go a nigga hungry."

"Doughboy, you eat all the time."

We got out and I put my arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to me. She quickly locked her phone and stuffed it in her back jeans pocket.

"You want your usual?" I asked her.

"I'm not hungry. Get whatever you want though." She said.

Mr. James greeted us and too my order since Georgia said she ain't want anything. Not even a soda. Something must be wrong with her. I got my food then sat next to her on our bench.

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