"We have no apologies for being..."~ Alessia Cara

I was forced to be dropped off and picked up from school today. Everyone in this fucking school was drooling over my father. He's not cute. Girls asking how tall he is. Boys asking what they gotta do to be like him. Only ones that weren't in his face while he was on his way to speak with PG was Chresanto, Ida, and Malik.

I hate everything. Walking closely by my father I made sure to send nasty glares to each girl staring. He's old one and two he's married. Trifling hoes.

"Ray," PG greeted my father with his hand out. "Its been a while."

My father shook his hand saying the same.

"What brings you by this morning?" PG looked at me like I was another him and Uncle Bryson.

I don't know what the hell my father did during his time here but Uncle Bryson made a name for himself even more. I don't remember a time when I called my Grandpa Bo and he had nothing to say about him.

Uncle Bryson somehow got into the girls locker rooms. He broke into all of their locker, took all of their clothes, and threw them around the cafeteria and quad as a prank. If that wasn't a day that I remember Grandpa Bo screaming until his lungs were hurting. It was crazy.

I wish he would take my clothes and I have to go out and find what was mine. I'd hurt him something terrible.

"Nothing just came to chat, PG. We go way back remember?" Daddy smiled sitting down next to me.

"You realize you're adult now and I can lay you out and not be penalized for it? Rayan Lopez what is it that you want because you got that dumb smirk on your face?" PG looked at him with a tired expression on his face.

"Damn. Well might as well cut to the chase. Georgia isn't allowed to tutor for the rest of the year."

I damn near broke my neck and so did PG.

"What the hell you mean the rest of the year?" We both asked in unison.

"Watch your mouth Georgia." Daddy mugged me so I returned the gesture. "She's been a bit rebellious at home so Fawn and I decided to take those privileges away from her. I'm sorry but until she gets her act together she's not allowed to partake in after school activities."

"Ray, there has to be something else that she can have for punishment. She's one of my best tutors." PG said trying to help.

"This is bullshit." I mumbled gathering my book bag.

"Keep on Georgia and the next time you see your phone will be in the grave." Daddy threatened.

I was so heated it wasn't funny. I do not want to be at the art center or at counseling meetings all of my life. He's making it so I won't have any personal space. I will suffocate under him.

What is his deal? I left the office with a pass because I'm not going to detention again.

Last night I caught all hell. As soon as I got in the house Daddy was on my back about my dress once again, then he got a whiff of something accused me of smoking, and when Chresanto took me to school. Mommy sat there saying nothing the whole time since she feels like I just do what everyone else wants me to do. It's very true.

Mommy was really on my side until she found out about the weed. So now I'm mad and they took over my life.

Unc Bry😈 : your bad ass was smoking weed 👀😱 and without me 😔 you wrong fa dat

Me : 😤 no I was around somebody that was . You was talking to mommy 😡

Unc Bry😈 : nah my father was talking to her . Miss goody two shoes following in a real nigga footsteps

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